I want you to come back to me here
In each month on the thirteenth day
There is so much that I have to say
Words of wisdom not just for you
But words meant for the whole world too
But there is something I want you to know
I’m doing this because I love you so
I want you all in heaven with me
Where the grandeur of God you will see
Oh yes, lovely Lady, we shall come
To this grotto not far from home
Come my dears, you must learn
Of our God for whom we all yearn
He is displeased with the world at this time
So many souls have gone out of line
There is so much anger and fear and sin
He’s planning to punish the wicked again
As devastating as the mighty flood
A grim time full of tears and blood
Oh dear Lady, what must we do?
How can we help, though we are few?
Pray, pray, as much as you can
Prayer by every child, woman and man
Will certainly help appease God’s anger
And hold back the tempest a little longer
Add every now and then some sacrifice
And it should be enough to suffice
For the sins that have angered God so
As well as stopping the sins you do
Oh dearest Lady, we shall try our best
To pray and sacrifice without rest
Good, good, do your best
For the devil certainly will not rest
He has already dragged so many to Hell
And so many more fall under his spell
In fact it has already begun
Hidden under the guise of fun
And the changes in style and dress
Will only help drag down the rest
God is upset by it going this far,
Everyone content with the way things are
Oh sweet Lady, what is this vision?
This horrible, fiery sight of perdition?
That was Hell, where poor sinners go
The devil has them wrapped in woe
And many more still alive yet
He thinks of them as in his debt
Slaves obeying his every wish
Before he hooks them all like fish
But you can stop this, if you try
Saving sinners trapped in lies
Showing God you truly care
With your sacrifice and prayers
For His creation, your fellow man
And to love God all that you can
Oh kind Lady, can you give us a sign?
Something to prove it’s been you all the time?
In October a sign I shall show
To all my children here below
And prove I am Mary, Queen of Heaven
So you know the messages I have given
Must be remembered and obeyed
If the Hand of God is to be stayed
And my heart will prevail o’er the Gates of Hell
So sinful hearts will be made well
Hear my words, and always heed them
Let God’s Word grow like a stem
Keep Him always close within
And one day soon, you will see Him
Pray for the souls in Purgatory
That they too may see my Son’s glory
And now, my children, I must go
But remember, I love you so
Along with the Father and the Son
And the Holy Ghost, Three in One
Farewell, until we meet again
At Heaven’s Gates, beyond all pain.
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