There are numerous canonized saints of the Church and countless others among the faithful who have gone before and now number among the blessed communion of saints. They intercede in union with our prayers offered on our behalf of the poor holy souls still in Purgatory who are enduring the process of purification and will someday be within their ranks. So let us send up our prayers with the saints, for the poor souls today!
They haven’t any earthly voice, or any other choice, but to wait patiently and depend on our charity of heart to offer up our sacrifices and prayers of petition to elevate them from their self-imposed oppression and release them into the midst of the mercy of the Almighty in heaven. There they will be alleviated of all the pains and consequences due to their sins. So let us send up our prayers with the saints, for the poor souls today!
Whether it be a member of our family, a friend, or even a bitter foe, they are all equally in need of help from we here below. It’s not for us to judge the various deeds they did or did not do, or how they treated us personally, whether right or wrong, for they know now the complete summary of what they have done. Their cup now runnith over with tears brought on memories of both joy and remorse in a repentant flow. So let us send up our prayers with the saints, for the poor souls today!
The book of their life’s test and trial on earth has already been written, and the last chapter has come a close. Tomorrow may be our turn to enter the ledger of eternity with all of our merits, faults, and short comings listed in an indelible script, and there will be no more time to pen an appeal or engage in debate. So it is imperative to use well our allotted hours to make our final case before our destiny’s date! So let us send up our prayers with the saints, for the poor souls today!
The Savior’s saving sanctification, and the motherly intercession of Our Lady full of grace, was available to them even to their very last breath, which they had willingly accepted and which had spared them from eternal damnation and spiritual death, though without our help they cannot presently change or alter their condition and purgatorial position. So let us send up our prayers with the saints, for the poor souls today!
In His due time and through our fervent prayers, they will be joining the glorious legion of the communion of saints, and until then they have been bestowed with certain blessings to impart, graciously being permitted to extend their prayers for us and beg for our conversion of heart. So let us send up our prayers with the saints, for the poor souls today!
If they had one more moment, or one more day, here is the most important message they would most affectionately want to convey:
“Please our dear loved ones and friends, and those of whom we have offended, forgive us our trespasses, and send up your prayers with the saints, for us poor souls today!”
Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord, and let your perpetual light shine upon them, May the divine assistance remain always with us. And may the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
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