Meet Clive, our very own Tyrannosaurus Dragon and mascot! He may not be able to really fly or use those short arms of his, and he might be a bit clumsy, but that only makes him more adorable! Clive was born during a quote discussion between our editors, finally being allowed ‘real’ status after a discussion of the C.S. Lewis quote, “Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it” (quoted in Paul Holmer’s work C.S. Lewis: The Shape of His Faith and Thought). He was named for C.S. (Clive Staples) Lewis, and was promoted to mascot soon after.
Send us your own rendering(s) of Clive, and we’ll put them up here, along with a 1-3 sentence bio or link to your website! All we ask is that he is recognizable as our Clive.
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