By M. C. Pehrson
Word count: 107
Rating: G
Summary: An acrostic poem describing the joys of Christmas.
Mint candy canes and popcorn on strings,
Evergreen trees with ornaments shining,
Rosy-red faces nipped by cold winds,
Records with carols on turntables playing,
Yards strung top to bottom with colorful lights.
Cookies and eggnog sprinkled with spice,
Hearths blazing bright while families gather,
Roasts in the oven and fudge on the platter,
Icicles hanging from wintery eaves,
Stars all aglitter in radiant skies,
Toys wrapped up in bright Christmas paper,
Memories of loved ones in faraway places,
Angels and shepherds in manger scenes glowing,
Socks hung for Santa by smiling young faces.
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