The Fellowship of the King

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By Rebecca Godlove

Word Count: 2682

Rated: G

Summary: A short screenplay about Trent and a battle for his soul that takes place in a dream.

The Fellowship of the King
(A short play)

TRENT, a college student (Roby)
SKYE, his friend – later The Jedi (Gabby)
TARA, his friend – later Wonder Woman (Kathryn)
AIDAN, his friend – later Link (Isaac)
Gandalf (Samuel)
Galadriel (Kesley)
Frodo (Becky)

Hela, Norse goddess of death (Rachel)
Gulveig, Norse goddess of greed (Nicole)
Montu, Egyptian god of war/wrath (Josiah)
Adaphagia, Greed goddess of gluttony (Eden)
Ignavia, Roman goddess of apathy/sloth (Kayla)
Zelus, Greek god of envy (JT)
Lempo, Finnish god of lust (Alex)

Scene: TRENT, TARA, SKYE, and AIDAN are watching a movie on TRENT’s laptop, which is on a low coffee table in front of a ratty sofa.  SKYE has actually fallen asleep and is snoring on a large throw pillow.  There is a mostly empty pizza box nearby, and empty pop cans. A trash can is off to the side. We can hear the final few lines of The Return of the King, along with credits music (SOUND CUE #1 for 7 seconds, then fade).  Everyone sits back – exhausted, but TRENT is invigorated.

(Excitedly) See?  I told you.  Best. Trilogy. Ever.  Am I right?

(Coolly) I liked it, yeah.  (She stifles a yawn.)  The elf guy was pretty hot.  But that Gollum thing was seriously creepy.  Yech. (She shudders.)

(Stretching, reaching for a final handful of chips.) I don’t know, man, it’s awesome, but Star Wars is still my favorite.  I mean, not the prequels, though.

(Offhandedly, starting to gather up the trash and throw it in a wastebasket.) Star Wars is fine if you’re an uncultured swine who likes sloppy scriptwriting.

Hey now.

(Half-apologetically.) My Grandpa Fred gave me a copy of The Hobbit when I was nine years old and I’ve been hooked ever since.   Nothing else compares.

It’s a really amazing story, honestly it is.  But – (He looks at his watch.) – it’s two-thirty in the morning and this uncultured swine needs to get up at 7:00 for church, so…

What?  I didn’t realize it was so late.  We better go, too. (She shoves TARA awake.)  Wake up.

(Mumbling, confused.) …what day is it?

It’s July 18, 2038.  You’ve been asleep for over twenty years.  And your breath is awful. C’mon, roomie, time to go and you have our key.  (She helps TARA up as she gathers her bag and hoodie.)

I’ll walk you girls to your dorm.


Wait, when did I fall asleep though?

About fifteen minutes in.

To the third movie?  Or the second?

The first.

Oh, oops.  (She shrugs.)  G’night, TRENT.  Thanks for the pizza.  (She and SKYE make their way out.)

(Reaching for the empty pizza box, which TRENT has picked up.) Here, I’ll toss that on our way out. Thanks for having us over.  (He goes to follow the girls, then pauses.)  So I know it’s super-late, and tomorrow might not be a good day for it, but you know you can come to church with me and the girls anytime if you like.

Do you guys go to the one right off campus, the one that looks kinda warehouse-y, with the coffee shop in the basement and the big blue courtesy shuttle bus?

(Excitedly) Yeah!  That’s it, that’s the one.

Yeah, no, not my thing.  I haven’t been in a church since I was like seven.

(Kindly) Well, God hasn’t forgotten about you.

That’s what I’m afraid of. G’night.  (AIDAN looks as though he might want to talk more, but TRENT turns his back to continue cleaning, so he leaves.  After tossing a can or two in the trash, he flops onto the couch and yawns.  He drags a blanket over himself, tosses his glasses aside, and eventually falls asleep.  SOUND CUE #2 for 10 seconds, then fade as GANDALF enters, staff in hand, stage right.  He looks around the apartment, moving aside trash with his staff.  TRENT does not move, so GANDALF clears his throat.)

(Groggily) …Grandpa Fred…izzat you?

(Laughingly) Oh, no, I’m far older than he – and perhaps just a bit wiser, too.

(Sitting upright, putting his glasses on.) Uh…Gandalf?  The wizard? Gandalf?  This is weird. How did you get into my apartment?  Also, you’re not real, so… (With sudden realization.) Hey, am I dreaming?

Oh, to be certain, my young friend, yes, indeed, you are.  But there is often much truth told in dreams. May I sit? (TRENT nods and scoots over on the couch, looking warily at the wizard.)  You see, I am here to extend to you an invitation.  I have sought you out to come with me on a great journey.

(Excitedly, but wryly.) Well, if this is just a dream, sure, I’ll go.  Are we gonna smash up some goblins and dragons, or…?

(Gently) You must not take this lightly, friend.  Although you are dreaming, the invitation is quite real.  (TRENT indicates that he is interested.  GANDALF speaks in a fatherly, friendly voice.) Come with me on an adventure, Trent.  It is like nothing you have ever imagined – nothing you are even capable of imagining.  You will find inside yourself a strength you never knew you had. A strength to move mountains, yes!  You and I, we will move them – together! Follow me, Trent, you will know great joy and peace – peace far more precious than gold or silver.  Peace within you, so deep that no work of man or nature can shake it loose from you.

That sounds…amazing.  (He breaks into a smile.)

I was certain you would see it that way.  Now, all you need to do is –

(Leaping up) I’ll pack right away.  Should I bring a winter coat?  Where are we going first? Rivendell?  The Shire? Oooh, the mines of Moria (He looks under the couch.) – I have a flashlight around here somewhere…

(Laughing) Oh, my friend, no – no.  You need not pack anything at all.  You simply need to make a telephone call.

(Jerking to attention) Wait, what?

Yes – to tell your companion Aidan that you will accompany him to church in the morning.  That is the first step on your journey.

(Disappointed)  What?!  Are you kidding me?! Agh!  (He collapses, frustrated, on the couch.) I thought this was seriously going to be the coolest dream ever.  Not a lecture about religion from a creepy guy dressed as a wizard. (Maliciously) Your beard looks fake, anyway.

(Stroking it thoughtfully.) Well, you were the one who dreamed it up.  (There is a long pause as TRENT pouts.)  Would you like to talk about –

No.  (GALADRIEL, dressed in shimmering white, majestically enters from stage left.)

Then perhaps I may have a word.

(Immediately leaping to his feet.)  Galadriel!  (She nods benevolently as she comes up alongside him.)  But…I’m just dreaming you up, too…right?

If I appear as flesh or phantasm, it makes no difference, young Trent.  My words are what you will need to weigh, not my appearance. I caution you – do not abandon this invitation in so cavalier a manner.  The price of it far exceeds all the precious gemstones on the earth and beneath it.

(Shrugging, frustrated) Aidan just asked me to church.  Why are you all acting like it’s a ticket to the Superbowl or something?!

(Smiling knowingly) Do you think you are unworthy of so great a calling, young one?

Unworthy?  No! I – I’m just not interested.  Church is – I don’t know, the whole “God is always watching you” thing – it’s so…“Big Brother”.  I’m doing fine with no heavenly overlord breathing down my back. Besides, my cousins go to church – and they are weird people.  Just – weird.  Look, I’ll just wake up now if it’s all the same to you.  (He looks from one to the other.)  It was nice chatting with you and everything, I guess.  So, then. (He awkwardly waits.  GANDALF and GALADRIEL exchange a glance.)  Do I just…like, pinch myself, or…?

Dear boy, you will not awaken until your mind is finished telling you what you need to know.

(Throws up his hands in disgust.) ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!  (He flops back down on the couch.)  So, I’m having a Lord of the Rings dream and we are just gonna sit around and talk.  No dragons, no demons, no treasure. Lame.  (FRODO runs in, sword in hand.  TRENT notices.) Oh, I was wondering when you were gonna show up.

Treasure?  Is that what you think this is all about?  Glory and power?

Well, I’m starting to think that this is actually all about that fifth slice of pineapple pizza I ate tonight, but yeah, I’ll bite.  Sure, it’s about glory and power. Wealth, riches, battles, magic rings, fancy swords, ancient prophecies – that’s what it’s about.  Excitement.

(Almost at a loss for words, gesturing with sword.) Excitement!  Gandalf, you have to make him understand the invitation!  It – it’s not about that!

(Calmly redirecting the sword, he speaks fondly.) Frodo, of all the elves and dwarves and hobbits I am acquainted with, I think you are the most qualified to teach our young friend what this adventure is really about.

(Taking a deep breath.) The journey is not about the destination – or what you’ll find there.  It’s about who and what you become as you travel. It’s about returning a different person than who you were when you left.  It’s about learning what really matters to you and protecting it with –

Look, look, you’re all starting to sound like Yoda here.  I don’t understand what…(As he speaks, the DEMONS, dressed in black, with weapons and war-paint, slowly enter.  They are led by GULVEIG, who wields a huge weapon.  When TRENT notices her, he balks.)  Wait – what’s going on?  

Is it too late for him?

Fear not, young Frodo.  There were those who asked the same about you and your quest.

(Shuddering as the demons slither closer, rattling, and GULVEIG boldly approaches him.)  Who is she?!

She is Gulveig, a demoness full of greed, always hungry for what others possess.  You’ll want to stay on her good side.

Unfortunately, she doesn’t have one.  (GULVEIG sends a fierce glance towards FRODO and TRENT, and bangs her weapon three times on the floor.  The DEMONS are still.  There is a pause as TRENT looks around, wondering what will happen.  Presently, HELA appears, strides down the center aisle, and stops with a sick smile.)

All this talk of demons and dragons – and no one thought to invite me?

You have no place here, Priestess of Death.

I have no place in your heart, Lady of the Wood, for you have rejected me – and these others (She gestures to GANDALF and FRODO.) have scorned my offer as well.  But this one…(She approaches TRENT, who flinches.) this one has not yet turned me away, nor does he belong to you.  He is fair game.  

(Panicked, to GANDALF.) What is she talking about?! (As HELA approaches him, to her.) Who are you?   

(Slowly circling.) I have as many names as the Lady of Light over there.  I prefer these days to be called Hela – it has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?  (TRENT shrugs nervously.)  Oh, I can see that these three have already got you all nervous about meeting me.  Don’t be. I have something for you.

(Cautiously) …What is it?

(Smiling broadly) Why, an invitation, of course!  These fools come to you with vague talk of spiritual purpose and promises of strength and joy, but I – I have something more tangible.  Your own path, Trent. You don’t need to tread blindly in the well-worn footsteps of dull and mindless men before you. Blaze your own path.  Set fire to their crumbling, ancient ideals and let it all burn.

But you don’t –

We have said our piece, Frodo.  Trent’s decision is his and his alone.

(Building steam) You know what you want – you always have!  You want adventure! Excitement! Danger! You want to feel alive – blood pumping in your veins – knowing the world and everything in it is yours for the taking!  It is, Trent. It’s all yours.

(Slowly looking from HELA to the DEMONS to GALADRIEL, GANDALF, and FRODO.)…You offer me whatever I want, but…there’s a catch, right?  What do you get in return?

Not much, really.  Practically nothing.  Just…you.

(To GANDALF) Look – I’m gonna be honest with you.  Her offer – pretty much anything I want – seems really appealing compared to your spiritual journey stuff.  I mean, no offense, but…what do you really have to offer?  Peace and strength are pretty…vague.

Trent, the invitation she offers is appealing indeed…but her promises are temporary.  The fire you set to the world around you – it will consume you, too, in the end, and she will laugh as you are swept up in the flames.  

What is it you desire, Trent?  Wealth? Pleasure? Revenge? I can unlock the doors of a thousand treasures for you, and I alone hold the keys.

She’s lying!  The only keys she owns are to prison cells!  (GANDALF places a hand on FRODO’s shoulder.)

I’m so confused!  I don’t – I don’t know what I want.  I – I want to be happy, I guess. Just – not confused like this!  (He looks to GALADRIEL, pained.)  I feel like I should say no to her, but I can’t do it alone.

Dear boy, who ever said you were alone?  (At her words, three DEMONS come forth and reveal themselves to be TARA, in a Wonder Woman costume, SKYE, as a Jedi, and AIDEN, as Link.  HELA is furious but stays her ground.  The DEMONS take a fighting stance.)

…Wait, is that Tara?  …And Skye? Aidan? (They respond in the affirmative.)  But – Tolkien definitely did not create Wonder Woman.  And don’t even get me started on this guy. (He gestures to AIDAN.)

But don’t you see, my friend?  It’s all the same story! There is nothing new under the sun.  Since the beginning of time, man has told but one story over and over.

The story of good versus evil.  Light versus darkness. Life versus death.

Every hero, big or small, faces the same choice.  There are only two choices. There have only ever been two choices.  Across the centuries, in books, in song, in art. Just two.

I offer you the world, Trent.

And I offer you your soul, Trent.

…I want to be free.  And that’s the one thing you can’t promise me, Hela.

Freedom it is, then.  Free men die, same as slaves.   (She gestures, and the DEMONS immediately begin to attack.  GALADRIEL arms TRENT with a sword.  SOUND CUE #3.  A great battle ensues.  Eventually, the forces of light begin to beat back the DEMONS. Each fighting group eventually makes its way offstage, with GANDALF, FRODO, GALADRIEL, and TRENT battling HELA.  Exhausted, she spits out a final threat.) Don’t think you’ve defeated me, Trent.  I have a billion more offers to make to a billion more blind fools, and each one will become a soldier in my army.  You will regret the day you accepted the invitation of a feeble old man and his minions.

But now I have been given something you can never have, Hela.  Hope. (He raises his sword as if to deal a death blow, and all the lights go out.  There is a 5 second pause, then we hear the beeping of an alarm.  All the lights come up, and TRENT is alone, on his couch.  He starts, and wakes from the dream.  He yawns, stretches, then remembers the dream and shakes his head.  When he moves to leave the room, the sword falls out from the folds of his blanket.  He, picks it up, and marvels. Light out for 5 seconds, then back up. Curtain call.)

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