By Jocelyne Ross
Word Count: 1304
Rating: G
Summary: While Joyce lies comatose, she relives her life with her husband and family, as they try to wake her up.

“Why have you asked all of us to come today,” demands a young man’s voice. There is no answer.
“Please, tell us. Did anything new happen? You are worrying all of us,“ a young girl adds.
Then Joyce hears a man crying, sobbing. “I need to talk with all of you. Yesterd—” More sobbing…
That’s Gabriel’s voice, Joyce thinks. Why is he so sad? What happened yesterday? Joyce is very curious. She wants desperately to stay awake in this moment, to listen to what Gabriel has to say.
“The doctor does not see a point in keeping her…” Gabriel cannot finish his sentence.
He tried to use other words. ”They are not hopeful like we are. Her doctor told me yesterday that, in his whole career, he never saw anyone who had the same problem, waking up and coming back.”
“Ah…Are you giving up hope?!” a voice interrupts.
“What about her trying to speak, or open her eyes. She even smiled at me once,” asserts another.
“It has only been two months!” wails another voice.
“I am not ready to give up … I am not!” added another
“Calm down, please. Are you all out of your mind?! We all have been under so much stress, but really, you can never think that I would lose hope. I am here all the time praying. Anyone who prays does not lose hope. Let me finish what I was trying to say… I want to take her to another hospital. Honestly, I do not trust them here anymore.”
What does Gabriel mean?! Does he think that my life is in jeopardy? Joyce is scared now, feeling more lost and alone than ever.
“Gabriel, darling, I am here. I … I can hear you. Do you hear me? Dear God, please help me.”
“Any suggestions?” Gabriel continues.
“Gabriel! Why don’t you answer me?! I am fine. I want to come back to you. I must get back to my children. I need to come back to you all… Please help me come back to you. Give me your hand, your loving and strong hand.”
Her desire consumes her, and for the first time in two months, she puts her hand very slowly up in the air, waiting for her husband’s hand to grasp it.
She hears sounds of joy and gasps of disbelief. Gabriel’s hands hold her fragile one. He squeezes it, as if trying to impart more life to it. Joyce very slowly opens her eyes. The light is too strong, though; she closes them again almost immediately.
“That’s my girl! Open your eyes again dear. Try Joyce—try hard!” Gabriel seems to be laughing and crying at the same time.
She does not have to try hard—somehow she is able to open her eyes again. She can barely see the figures around her. The light is still very strong, but she sees Gabriel’s face. He is standing next to her, still holding her hand and smiling.
“Gabriel,” she manages to stutter out.
“I am here, right here beside you. I have been with you all the time; you were never alone, Joyce. We are all here. Don’t be afraid. You look confused, but everything is alright.”
She looks around her, as if she were awaking from a sleep of a hundred years. Many faces surrounded her. She did not seem to know any of these people.
“Who are you?” she finally manages to ask.
“Mom! Don’t you recognize us ?! I am Michael, your son!”
“No, no! My Michael is nine!” she nearly shouts. She begins to cry violently, closing her eyes and crossing her arms over them.
“I am Gabriel Jr.!”
“No, no! Gabriel is seven!” She is breathing heavily now.
”Mom—it’s Christelle. For sure you recognize me… Please, Mom.”
Geanna just stands there with her right hand on her mouth, tears falling fast on her beautiful young face, while Carmel lets herself fall onto a chair with her hand on her forehead and expression of confusion on her face. The room’s whole atmosphere has changed from joy to chaos.
”Please, Gabriel, stop them! They lie. They want to steal my children away. They want to steal their childhood. They want to steal my life with my children. Stop them, please, I’m begging you!”
“Mom—” wails a chorus of voices.
Gabriel interrupts them. “Please, wait outside.”
“But, Dad—”
”All of you, please. I will call you in later. I need a few moments with your—with my wife.”
They filed out, faces sad and frustrated. After they had left, Gabriel was alone with her. He held her hands tightly into his and asked very softly: “Our Michael is nine?”
“Yes, of course, but you know that.”
“Gabriel is…”
“Seven,” she answers firmly.
“And Christelle?”
“Six, of course.”
“Who is left?” he asks softly.
“Geanna is three, and Carmel is seven months old. Wait a minute… I heard you all say that it has been two months. I think you mean my sickness or whatever was wrong with me, so Carmel must be nine months now.”
“Are you sure, Joyce?”
“Of course. I’m their mother. Do you think that a mother does not know the age of her baby? Ask any mother, and she will tell you how many months, weeks, days, and most probably hours her baby is.”
“Joyce, my love, look at me. Open your eyes. I have softened the light in the room, so please open your beautiful eyes and look at me.”
He then adds: “No … no, open your eyes wide—you can do it. Good, now look at me—look at my face and tell me what you see.”
She smiles at him: “I see Gabriel my husband.” She is tired now, as if she is ready to sleep, she turns her head to the other side.
“Stay with me, Joyce, and look into my eyes. Look closely… Will you do this for me?”
”Yes,” she answers, smiling dreamingly.
“Then please do it. Look at me closely.”
She turns toward him, eyes open wide, searching. Suddenly the expression on her face changes. The smile goes away, and fear, anxiety, and confusion take its place.
“What is going on?” she cries out. “What’s happening to me? I am not sure who you are anymore, or who I am… This is awful. Did you say two months?! I cannot believe it. What has happened to me? I am frightened… ah…can you help me? Oh, dear God!”
He hugs her tight and tells her gently, ”I can help. I have the answers to all your questions. Please try to stay calm. This has been a big day for you, and I am sure you are very tired. I want you to know this: you are Joyce, I am your Gabriel, and I love you so much. Everything else can be explained later; do not worry your beautiful head now. I will ring the doctor so that he can see your wonderful, amazing development. After that, we will get caught up on what’s been happening while you’ve been…sleeping.”
Joyce does not respond. He asks her, “Joyce, did you hear me?”
“Listen to me very carefully.”
“I want you to keep your eyes open, keep looking at me. I know you are tired, but I do not want you to sleep. Stay with me, OK? Please!”
“Yes, do not worry. I am wide awake now.”
”Good.” He is relieved, joyful. She is tired, overwhelmed, but she knows
she must stay awake—for his sake, for hers, for her family’s. Fear fills her.
Anxiety, if nothing else, will keep her awake now.
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