Choirs of Angels

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~By Amanda Pizzolatto


Hovering near the everlasting Lord

Drinking up every Holy Word

These beings burn bright with desire

Burning with a love hotter than any fire

And as they approach on every side

Behind their six wings, they hide 

Their voices raise in glorious song

Praising God all eternity long 


These are nothing like the little cherubs

Shown flying with doves and hugging cubs

No, they are really so much more

With heads and wings numbering four

They sparkle like burnished bronze

As they carry God’s throne with psalms

They are quite the sight to see

As they contemplate the Holy Trinity


Thrones, or Elders, work as God’s hand

As God’s justice is what they demand 

They mete out judgment at His command

Bright and glorious before Him they stand

Ready to act upon His word

To punish the world by fire or sword

Or spare those who have obeyed the Lord

These keepers of a mighty ford


Also known as Lordships or Dominations

It is their duty to protect the world’s nations

And to regulate the duties of the lower choirs

They do their jobs well as heavenly squires

Watching over countries and their leaders

And keeping a watch out for the succeeders 

Though they are often unheeded in national affairs

That does not lessen just how much they care 


For these so aptly named beings

Think of the word’s original meaning

So large and full of might they are

As they command the planets and the stars

Keeping heavenly bodies well in their places

All, while hiding their glorious faces

And while they guard the heavenly borders

They must protect Nature’s order


The Powers have great authority

Over consciences and as keepers of history

They are the first ones the lower choirs go to 

When they have a question, a suggestion, or two

Or any concerns with the order of creation

Before heading to the One responsible for its formation

They also work as warriors for the King 

Fighting evil until the judgment trumpets ring 


This choir works closely with the Powers

But handles the blessings that God showers

And the graces that are asked for 

To get us through what life has in store

They are also the guardians of the sciences and arts

And inspire everyone in whatever they take part


These princes are among the better known 

To some, a few have even been shown

Revealing just a portion of their glory and might

Only seen by human eyes as clothed in light

These princes of the lower choirs

Igniting in humans the divine fire

One of these leads the heavenly force

All making sure time runs its due course


This is the lowest choir of them all

And yet they have answered the Divine call

The wonderful task to be a guardian dear

As God’s love for us sends them here

Ever loving and watchful at our sides

And if we listen, they’re wonderful guides

Lighting our way with God’s grace

Until the day we can meet them face to face

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