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She submits
Never to the constant carnival of changing
societal norms,
A colour-changing chameleon of contradictions.

She submits
Not to man, money or meritocracy,
The majestic monsters of materialism.

She submits
Not to boundaryless, muscular liberalism,
False falcon of freedom flying high in its own fallacy.

She submits
Never to the clenching claws of capitalism,
Undresser of humanity, draping her in cloaks of currency.

She submits
Only to the injector of life, breathing soul into every single cell in her body,
causing her heart to beat in a symphony of sustenance.

She submits
Only to the alternator of night over day,
The sustainer of entire solar systems and tiny grains of seashore sand.

She submits
All that is her fragrant femininity,
A veiled parcel of appreciation, an anecdote of adoration to her artist.

She submits
To the raiser of pillarless skies who withholds them from toppling the earth,
To the subjector of the sun and moon running an appointed course.

She submits
To the treasurer of time,
An uncaused cause, creator of creation.

She submits
To higher purpose than self-serving vain desires,
A meaning greater than her own veiled vision of life.

She bows to only one.


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