~ by Hannah Skipper
Men are from Mars.
Women are from Venus.
That’s why they have to be separated by Earth.
Jupiter is named for the Roman king of the gods.
His Greek counterpart is Zeus.
Pluto is named for the god of the Underworld.
Hades is his foil.
Knowing this, is it any wonder that in the Disney movie Hercules, Hades tried to take over Mt. Olympus?
Obviously, he was angry that his namesake had been demoted to a dwarf planet.
How many of you ever laughed in school when someone mentioned Uranus?
Saturnalia was a Roman festival given in honor of the god, Saturn.
It was celebrated in mid-to-late December with, amongst other things, the giving of gifts.
Perhaps that’s where Saturn got all those rings?
The mercury on Mercury is always very high. Perhaps that’s why its namesake Roman god, whose Greek twin is Hermes, is so swift?
His feet must be on fire.
Neptune’s great dark spot is similar to Jupiter’s great red spot;
they both look like Sauron’s eye from The Lord of the Rings.
It’s a good thing that the Milky Way has two eyes to keep watch over its vast expanse.
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F&F Fall 2019: Space
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