Rise of the Guardians is a brilliant little film which most definitely has a Disney feel about it – this is surprising, as it is, in fact, a DreamWorks production. I love the characters and how DreamWorks portrays all of these classical figures from different traditions, holidays, and folklore.
With a whole host of big-name actors voicing the characters, they really do capture the essence of these holiday figures, while also taking us on a rollercoaster of fun and adventure throughout.
As children, we used to get Jack Frost visiting us quite often – what with the lack of double glazing and central heating systems that were fairly sub-par compared to modern systems. I think it’s very telling in this film, that they portray Jack frost as a character that very few people know about and who is, essentially, invisible. Many children nowadays don’t get to experience the magic of frost decorating their windows – the way that it spans out in intricate patterns, creating a stunning work of art that lasts for only a few fleeting hours.
I find this a real shame, as this is a folktale that I used to be fascinated with as a child. I found it magical when my parents used to tell me with excitement that Jack Frost had visited us. It is sad to think that this wonderful folkloric figure may disappear within a few generations – what with insulation and heating getting more and more efficient each and every year. Even cars are being developed to be frost resistant, with heated glass, etc.
This is one of the reasons that I love this movie so much – it is evident that the story was written by someone who also saw a sharp decline in the telling of Jack’s story. Clearly, they too thought that it was a shame to see this character just fade away, and decided to do something about it. Helping to capture the essence of this wonderful folklore on the screen, means that even children who have never been fortunate enough to receive a visit from Jack in person, are told about the wonders of this character, getting to experience the magic in a different way which keeps this tale alive.
I thoroughly enjoyed this movie from start to finish, and it has, indeed, made it into our family’s traditional Christmas videos, as it genuinely does have a lot to offer. The comedy, alone, throughout this film is worth the watch each year. If you have not already watched this film, then I would highly recommend it, especially during the Christmas holidays.
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