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Woe to us in this valley of tears,
where our sinful nature has landed us;
surrounded on all sides by peer pressure,
where the world and even our bodies have turned on us.
Why, oh, why did we not listen?
Why do we believe the wiles of the Devil?
Because, instead of preparing for love,
we partake in unnecessary revel,
we become increasingly weak.
Unable to stand Love’s cleansing waters,
instead of growing and accepting change,
we would sacrifice our sons and daughters
and surround ourselves with selfishness
until we can no longer see the light of day,
and the debt we rack up
no heart of stone can pay.

But wait, what is this?
The Lord has spoken to us?
Our single ray of hope,
He has taken pity upon us!
He will send One of the Triune,
One who can pay the debt,
who will walk among us
and lead us down the path He’s set.
But first, we must wait
and, oh, must we wait long!
He will send prophets
to tell us when we are doing wrong,
and to show us how to be ready
when He will open Heaven’s gate.
He will prepare us for His coming
during this long period of wait.

Joy, oh joy, what news!
The time He comes is nigh!
Soon God will be with us,
the Son of God on high!
The prophets are giving us signs,
signs we must look for.
He will be born of a virgin
and come knocking at our hearts’ door,
but are we ready?
Will we let Him in?
Raise your voice in suppliant prayer
and avoid all kinds of sin.
Be meek and humble;
that is the way of the Lord,
then you will be able to enter
following His law and His Word.

Listen all, listen well,
His coming draws near!
Get ready, be prepared,
do what you can right now, here.
There’s not much time left!
And there’s still so much to be done!
Will we be ready on time?
Everything must be perfect for God’s Son.
We’ve made such a big mess
because we didn’t listen the first time,
but the Lord is ever merciful,
we shall thank Him with dance and rhyme.
We come hither broken and torn,
a fact that’s no use hiding from,
but listen, don’t you hear?
He is here, He has come!

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