Snowdrops, in the midst of snow, their strength and great endurance show.
As one of first heralds of Spring, they flaunt beauty and promise bring,
that other flowers will appear, as season turns in bright new year.
A strange truth: Snowdrops melt the snow around them,
as they, fighting, go upward to drink in rays of sun.
Oh, yes, they are the clever ones!
A red fox saunters through the snow, as on his rounds he blithely, goes.
And squirrel is witness to it all as ’round them flakes, again, do fall.
The trees, through Winter stark and bare, push forth vert leaves,
to promise share, of fecund Nature fertile, e’er God’s miracle beyond compare.
A wren sends chatters, scolds, and churrs at passing fox, but undeterred,
fox breathes in chill without a care, while Snowdrops bob in windy air!
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