We live in a world of image. Whose we no longer know.
We used to discern the truth. But that seems long ago.
It’s funny what we confuse, for an enlightened mind.
Amassing information, but leaving critical thinking behind.
Wandering the virtual desert, seeing it as an oasis.
Fashioning our inner world, built on a digital basis.
The real world disenchanted, by this electronic barrage.
Seeing with blinded eyes, living in a vast mirage.
The written word once so sacred. And contemplative thought.
Reading for many hours. It was how the truth was sought.
But now we’ve made great progress. Little need for vocabulary.
That world has passed that by. We live in Pictionary.
Images with their power. Teaching reality and its nature.
From the new source of truth. The internet is our savior.
But many of us pay a price. For believing this false impression.
Not understanding why. We have anxiety and depression.
The eye is the intake valve. The most sensitive organ of sense.
We believe what we think we see. It comes at our great expense.
Arousing so much sentiment. Inflaming the emotion.
The images sweetly deceive us. Creating a false devotion.
We prefer this virtual world. Parallel to what is real.
Always choosing what is absent. Over what we can touch and feel.
We do not seem to care. Because our thinking is diminished.
Stunting our personal growth. And leaving ourselves unfinished.
The peddlers of deception. Inciting yearning and repulsion.
Convincing us what to think. Both desire and revulsion.
Devoted not to truth, deceivingly dialectic.
Ratings by making the masses, severely apoplectic.
But deceivers are deceived, living in their bubble.
Mixing truth and lies. Disturbing souls in trouble.
Several do not care, what deceivers try to show.
Though called simple minded. They’re the ones who know.
Unlike many today. Of so-called education.
They do not fall prey. To such easy manipulation.
His Image and His likeness. Knowing how they were created.
Their divine based common sense. Will never be negated.
Interior world intact. Seeing through illusion.
Spiritual armor and shield. Repelling all delusion.
Hearing with ears that hear. And having civility.
Guiding the rest of us. To needed tranquility.
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