The Tash Files – Chapter 33 – Glimfeather

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My Dear Cataract,

You must have been having quite a time watching all the delightful mourning and fear that has gripped the Enemy’s chosen country over the last few years. It came to a very aromatic head this morning when Pavo’s awful patient abandoned the vermin at the moment when his presence would be the most comforting, didn’t it?

Of course, I’m not saying that you shouldn’t get excited about such an intoxicating aroma, but you can’t let it interfere with your ability to carry out my work. Yes, that’s right, you moronic fool, I know all about your recent activities or lack thereof, and let me tell you, you’re going to pay dearly for your slack effort. I mean seriously, if you’d been even halfway diligent with your assignment this morning then the Enemy’s cheating move would have been a complete bust.

Didn’t you get my memo about the four signs that He wants those two horrible Human varmints from another world to follow? Well, then you should have known that they were supposed to meet up with your colleague, Pavo’s patient, and they blew it. So, how is it that they were able to get back on His path even when they didn’t follow His instructions?

Because you blew it.

I’m telling you what, I just don’t know if I’ve ever had to deal with the kind of incompetence that you displayed this morning. You must be half blind to have allowed His agents’ failure to follow His instructions to result in a furtherance of His schemes. I mean, seriously? Seriously? How could you let this happen?

Of course, I’m not surprised that the Enemy chose this moment to cheat because my new friend and I are about to take over His chosen country again, but I’m just furious that He brought back that Male punk who He tricked into becoming His agent when that little snot was in this world many years ago. I’m sure that He only brought him back to rub it in my beak that He stole him from me the last time because that worthless punk is undoubtedly completely useless to Him. I mean really, fireballs just exploded from my beak when I saw that Male varmint had returned and you can bet that I will throw everything I have at him because he is rightfully mine.

Of course, that new Female looks like she will be easy to manipulate and I’m sure that my new friend will be able to lead her away from the Enemy’s path because she doesn’t know what it’s really like to be in His service. When that happens, I bet that that new Female will be able to lead that Male jerk away too because Females tend to be good at leading Males down whatever path they want to go.

I’ll tell you what, I’m just delighted that those four terrible Human varmints who used to rule the Enemy’s chosen country have been banished so that they can’t interfere with my plans by babbling about what the Enemy supposedly said or did millions of years ago and possibly sway those poor susceptible babies that He has brought in this time. I mean really, they did that far too much whenever they were here before and anyways who cares about what the Enemy might have done a million years ago, right? That was then and this is now.

It’s probably not even true anyways.

Say, speaking of babbling, I noticed that your patient was quite chatty when he met those two new Human varmints and, unfortunately, they learned far too much of his self-proclaimed knowledge about the situation regarding your colleague, Absin’s patient. It would have been far more productive for me if you’d been fogging up his disgustingly brainwashed vision with suggestions that he should be completely focused on Pavo’s patient’s departure.

I mean really, the dereliction of duty that you’ve displayed throughout your time in the field has allowed your varmint to keep his sights on the Enemy and, unfortunately, he has now inadvertently seen His latest cheating move.

How hard could it have been to keep your patient focused on Pavo’s patient anyways? All of your colleagues whose patients were in the crowd this morning managed to do it without any trouble, so why couldn’t you? I mean, doesn’t your patient owe that punk ruler the respect of at least paying close attention to his final send off? Of course, he does.

I’m telling you what, you should have learned from your colleague, Pyrrho, because there’s absolutely no reason why your patient should be involved in this battle. And, even worse, there is still less reason for your patient to have so-called hopeful expectations about the future when all the facts point towards my coming victory.

I mean really, watching your patient is enough to make me sick.

Oh my me, do I even need to remind you that if your patient hadn’t gotten involved, then those two punks from another world have been brought before Pyrrho’s patient and, with my brilliant suggestions being spoon-fed to him, that old geezer would have easily led them away from the Enemy’s path and I wouldn’t have to deal with your incompetence right now.

I mean really, can you even fathom how hot the fireballs exploding from my mouth right now are?

The Loathsome, Frightening, Power-Hungry,


(all honor and glory to me)

Author’s Notes: One of the first things that struck me with fresh meaning when I started this chapter is the fact that Glimfeather, as an owl, is a nocturnal bird. How appropriate for the character who “sees” the miracle first in The Silver Chair. Thus, I chose Cataract for his demon name because cataracts cause increased difficulty with night vision. They also make one sensitive to light and glare, which I thought was a good reminder that our faith-sight can be harmed in good times and bad.

I think that Glimfeather is the foil for older Trumpkin because while the dwarf seems to have lost sight of Aslan’s lordship and is despairing about what the future holds, we find the owl looking out over the water towards the east, which is where Aslan comes from, and looking for the Lion to act again.

Just as older Trumpkin is The Silver Chair’s Susan, Glimfeather seems to be this book’s Lucy.

I would also like to add that it would be perfectly understandable if Glimfeather had had tunnel-vision focus on Caspian’s final departure since the king has had a phenomenal reign and is beloved by his subjects. So, why is the owl caught wondering about those two kids that just dropped out of the sky from the middle of nowhere? How does he even notice them, right? This is another reason for me to think that Glimfeather recognizes that Caspian isn’t going to provide Narnia with the miracle that she so desperately needs so his focus has turned towards the One who can save them.

Other Narnians: Why didn’t I see them?

Glimfeather: Maybe you weren’t looking.

Bible verses: 1 Thess. 4:13-18; 2 Cor. 2:15-16; Matt. 7:13-14; Prov. 3:5-6; John 16:33; Prov. 7:1-27; Heb. 5:12-14, 12:1-3; Luke 2:25-32, 36-38; Hab. 3:1-2

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