Snowbrice 13, 849
The mood of the castle changed dramatically between yesterday and today. Yesterday, the Narnians mourned the loss of their King and Queen. Today, however, everyone was excited because the Creatures were getting a new Queen – me. The Dwarves worked quickly and carefully through the night to make me a Queen’s crown by Aslan’s order. The Dryads, as well, were working diligently to make my coronation clothes perfect. Every other Narnian was decorating the throne room, cooking up a feast, or spreading the news of the coronation to other Narnians that lived near Cair Paravel.
I stayed in my room for the most part – out of everybody’s way. I would come out occasionally to see how the preparations were going or to get something to eat, for the coronation was to take place in the evening. I spent my time talking and cuddling with Aslan, and praying. As I cuddled with Aslan, I began to think about what I had learned about Him in my books. For some reason, He seemed very familiar to me. The cryptic way He spoke, His strength, the Narnians’ faith in Him, His Father The-Emperor-Above-the-Sea . . .
A calm sleep crept over me as I lay between His paws. Before I succumbed to unconsciousness, I smiled and said, “You truly are with us always.”
Gracia, the Cherry Blossom Dryad that I met my first day here, shook me from a calm sleep. I was surprised to find that I was in my bed and not between Aslan’s paws.
“Your Majesty,” Gracia said, “it is time to get dressed for your coronation.”
“Thank you, Gracia.”
I got up off the bed and let the good Dryad help me out of the dress I was wearing. Gracia guided me over to a stool to sit on so she could do my hair. When she was finished, she let me see a mirror, and the closest thing I could think of was that she did a French Braid – though my hair was twisted before she put in the braid.
I stood up, and Gracia brought over my coronation dress, shoes, and cloak. The dress and shoes were a light purple satin with a floral pattern. The dress had a scoop neckline and very wide sleeves. The cloak was deep purple velvet on the outside, lighter purple satin on the inside, and had a golden Aslan-head clasp.
Once I was dressed, Gracia said, “You look exquisite, Your Majesty.”
I blushed. “Thank you, good my Dryad. Where is Aslan?”
“He is down at the doors to the throne room, waiting. But first I need to finish getting you ready,” she replied.
The Dryad turned and headed for my jewelry box – which only had two pieces of jewelry in it. As she came back, she said, “You wouldn’t be Swanwhite if you didn’t have your necklace and Lion ring.”
I smiled at her light teasing. Once the Lion ring was on my right ring finger, and my medal around my neck, Gracia and I walked down to the throne room.
I got nervous as we walked down, and I hated it. I could be cool as a cucumber during court while I had to deal with problems in front of dozens of Narnians, or in a skirmish Dad and I went on to the North. It’s when I’m being presented formally for something that my nerves act up.
I was happy when I caught sight of Aslan near the doors, and too distracted to notice that Gracia left me. When I arrived at His side, He looked up at me and caught my gaze, and I suddenly felt my nervousness vanish.
Aslan smiled at me. “Are you ready, my daughter?”
I smiled back at Him. “As ready as I’ll ever be, Aslan.”
Aslan nodded to Temnay, and the Fox pushed the doors open one after the other. The horns sounded as Aslan and I started down the aisle. Even though we were going at a moderate pace, it felt like it took forever to get to the dais. When we arrived, I went to stand in front of Mum’s throne in honor of her (my continuance with weapons training would honor Dad). After us came Gracia, carrying my crown of gold and diamond, flanked by Shream and Famina and followed by General Kaymen. I genuflected as the General delicately picked up the crown and walked over to place it on my head.
As he adorned my head with the wreath of gold, Aslan said, “I give you Queen Swanwhite the Alluring.”
The crowd of Narnians cheered as I rose and took my throne. Aslan turned to face me and spoke so only I could hear Him, “Once a Queen of Narnia, always a Queen.”
Aslan then turned back to the Narnians that filled the room, waited for them to quiet down, then said, “My children, let us celebrate the beginning of Queen Swanwhite’s reign!”
Therefore, the servants brought out the food and the music started. I spent most of the time talking and dancing with friends, and I spoke one last time with Aslan before He left. He told me to keep my faith in Him strong, and to remember what I was taught by Mum and Dad as well as my lessons from my parents in England.
The last I saw of Aslan for a while was Him walking along the snowy beach shoreline. I couldn’t believe that I became Queen of Narnia ten days before my twenty-second birthday. I stopped suddenly, realizing that it was the thirteenth.
“The thirteenth . . . the day that Mary appeared to Lucia, Jacinta, and Francisco at Fatima. Thank you, Aslan.”
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