By Amanda Pizzolatto
This has to end, enough’s enough!
Rise up boys, the going is tough
And the tough have to get going
They’ve ignored pleas and bellowing
We must take action this very hour
To take back what is ours
Taxation needs representation
Or we will start our own nation
Take some action, toss the tea
Stand up and shout with me
Give me liberty or give me death
We will fight until our last breath
Get your guns and gather around
Keep on fighting, gain some ground
They won’t be able to keep us down
The British are marching into town
One if by land, two if by sea
We must outsmart the enemy
And the shot heard round the world
Means a new flag shall be unfurled
To arms, to arms, now it’s war
Freedom and rights are worth fighting for
A great military man has taken the lead
Seems greater-than-life atop his wondrous steed
All men report to General Washington
Under him, many battles were won
And soon we will have a brand new nation
All because of lack of representation
Thus the United States of America was born
Where freedom rings and justice is sworn
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