Advent Book

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By Jeremy Silvernail

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Advent Week 3 

Mary bounced with the donkey’s stride,

She sighed as she looked at her belly – so wide!

She was proud she was going to be a mommy,

But she sure did miss her tiny tummy!

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Joseph’s brow went into a furrow

“Do you need a break from this buro?”

He questioned his saintly wife.

“Oh no, I’m fine, just a little inner strife!” 

Page 3

He softened his worried face.

“Truly” he thought, “She is full of Grace.”

She had been given a huge task,

So much of her God did ask!

A great burden for one so young to bear,

Page 4

And now some shame filled Joseph’s stare.

He had wanted to turn her away;

He had thought she did betray,

Then he saw her angel in his dream,

Now real beyond real did it seem!

Page 5

She continued to beam her glorious smile,

Which Joseph knew would see them both through any trial,

“Just a few more hours, and we’re back to King David’s home,

Then it will be some time before we have to, again, roam.”

Page 6

Who was he to be in such a wondrous place?

Again, he knew she was full of God’s True Grace.

So they continued forward, to the place of David’s Birth,

Concerned for the future, yet still full of mirth.

Page 7

When they arrived in the town

They were sorely let down!

Inn to inn and house to house,

No room for Mary, most Holy, and her devoted spouse!

Until one innkeeper, moved by their plight,

Took them to a cave-stable to stay the night.

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Joseph’s frustration lit like a flame;

He thought he was completely to blame!

Unable to give Mary a decent bed,

Again, his embarrassed expression she read.

Page 9

“Joseph, do not worry dear;

Not while we hold each other so near!

Page 10

Our Boy will be the king of kings;

All our best rulers started with small beginnings.

It makes sense that the one to save the entire Earth

Is given the most humble birth!

From the tiniest of places does God lift up

Folks who are meant to drink from His most Divine cup!”

Page 11

And that, kids, is where we’re at this Advent year;

From struggle and preparation, to this – the last weeks of sheer Cheer!

For the Messiah is coming 

And that is really something.

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