Song of the Rising Mist

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Sometimes I vanish into a wordless silence
when love seems to play inside my heart,
the way light disappears inside a wave
as the power of a surging sea settles
beneath a surface of outer calm.

Life sings its songs in a rising mist
in the lover’s sigh after being kissed
the sweet call of a baby’s helpless cry
a child’s endless questions asking why
wings of longing fly and touch the sky.

Beauty is freed in the secret of a seed
breathlessly appearing in the light
beholding this unfolding sight
of life becoming real as we feel
more than we have ever felt before.

My fingers dance upon the keys
reaching for the words to ease the ache
feeling now as if my heart will break
if I don’t find a way to play and somehow say
what is flowing and glowing in my soul.

The miracle of love conceals its wonder
with a divine seal upon all it reveals
anointing us in a shower of unending joy
a crown of starlight circling the creative hour
of a spiraling breath of exalting power.

We fall into a silent destiny
a mystery never truly to be defined
into the wake of the Beloved
feeling the trembling afterglow
from the promise of paradise.

(Read more of the poetry of Naomi F. Stone at her blog, Whisperings of a Mystic)

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