There is an inexhaustible flow of “Golden Graces” that are generously and continuously pouring down upon the Earth from Heaven above during the Advent Season. As we celebrate the glorious feast of the Nativity of Our Lord with candlelit masses on Christmas Eve and day with poinsettia laden altars and pine wreaths with red bows, let us try to transcend our thoughts to that little crib in Bethlehem!
The Star in the East as seen by the Magi and recorded in scripture has been visualized in the paintings of the artistic masters throughout the world as the human representation that we’ve all come to envision. It is oft times shining down on the humble stable where Mary and Joseph are seen in the shadows surrounded by a chorus of angels, all bearing witness to the most awe-inspiring sight that has ever entered the realm of creation. There, “The Light of Lights” illuminated the darkness of the night with brilliance beyond that of any star in the heavens.
With steadfast united faith accompanied by true humility, these two chosen souls open-heartedly accepted and embraced the will of God. They then waited in joyful anticipation beyond what mere words could reveal as they were about to play the most major supporting roles ever portrayed on “Eternity’s Stage,” fulfilling their divine destiny. As the participating actors and witnesses to the premier event of time and eternity on that “Silent Holy Night”, this inseparable pair assisted in bringing forth the Infant King of the Universe, ultimately enabling the gates of heaven to be opened to all humankind
It is only naturally befitting that we as simple mortals would wonder about this awe-inspiring occasion and long to seek for its truth. Some will cerebrally search and painstakingly thumb through the countless volumes of ancient texts and pages of history to unveil the mystery, while others will reach deep into their hearts and conscience and find His presence there that is ever within.
Yet whatever means one may choose to try to comprehend and understand His Majesty, the surest and most down to earth and heavenly way may be to just fall on our knees in grateful adoration at the foot of that precious little crib where lies that eternal image of innocence, where we can join in union with His dearest mother and foster father as they sing hymns of praise, while rocking him gently to sleep!
May and the profound simplicity of the Christmas Nativity Crèche reflect His Infinite Love and Joy forevermore, and the memory of this Holy Season remain with you, the whole year through!
And keep in mind it’s His birthday party, and along the sacred celebration and hymns, it’s okay to lighten up a little and include a bit of jolly old St. Nick’s Christmas spirit with a few jingles and packages under the tree for the kiddies!
A blessed Christmas season to you and your loved ones!
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