Throughout all of Islamic history, there are two figures who are hailed as the first and second most important persons in Islam. The first is, of course, Muhammad (peace be upon him), the last messenger and recipient of the Quran; but the second is virtually unknown to the western world, despite his vast and lasting influence on the middle east and on the millions of people who have lived there and who live there today. This man has been written about, analyzed, reviled, praised, overlooked, and misunderstood even by his own people.
Umar Ibn al-Khattab (may God be pleased with him), the second of the Rightly Guided Caliphs of Islam, made an inconceivably large contribution not only to the geographic spread of Islam but to the establishment of religious justice and intellectual freedom as well. His reach extended as far as Persia, Egypt, and Anatolia, and he defeated towering empires such as the Sassanids and the Byzantines.
Such a rapid expansion of the Islamic world would merit acclaim in itself, but Umar (RA) did not stop there; his purpose was not to conquer lands in the name of Islam, he sincerely wanted to establish peace and justice in accordance with God’s way. Thus, he began what would be known as the Islamic judicial system, improved the economic system, developed a calendar, and united the Muslims (Hort 64-66). He is also accredited with having compiled the Quran, but this is not probable. Considering the vastness and permanence of these accomplishments, it is no wonder that he is ranked above such figures as Julius Caesar and Charlemagne (Hart 265).
Umar (RA) began his life as a member of the Quraish tribe of Makkah. Little is known about his childhood, but as a young man, he served as ambassador to various tribes and is said to have great belief in tribal solidarity. His reputation included two powerful characteristics: oratory and physical. No one could match his concise, rhythmic, eloquent speech. Umar (RA) was also a wrestler, competing in matches as a hobby and winning almost all of them. Before his conversion, Umar (RA) is reported as having 4 or 5 wives, some of whom he divorced later because they chose not to convert to Islam. In all, he had 9 sons and 4 daughters, one being Hafsah (Hitti 25-26). She was widowed and left destitute, and despite Umar’s (RA) pleas to his friends to marry his daughter, no one was willing, so the prophet asked for her hand in marriage (Faruqi 123).
When Islam came to the Arabian Peninsula, there were few converts at first. Many people resisted the message, and Umar (RA) was a most bitter opponent. He was charged with the duty of assassinating Muhammad (PBUH) but converted instead. Umar (RA) then became one of the staunchest allies of Islam, and Muhammad (PBUH) came to call him “Farooq,” which means ‘distinguisher between truth and falsehood’ (Hitti 24). His integrity and just nature as a caliph for Muslims rivals that of King David for the Jews. “Umar was a man of incorruptible integrity and absolute moral rectitude.” Barnaby Rogerson (2006)
When the prophet died in 632, a potential power struggle was avoided between Ansars of Madinah, Muhajireens of Mecca and the Banu Hashim tribe when Umar (RA) supported the candidacy of Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him), a close friend and companion of both Muhammad and Umar (Hitti 22, Muir 75). However, Abu Bakr (RA) lived only two more years, and as he lay dying, he appointed Umar (RA) as the next caliph (Muir 82). A council of companions confirmed the appointment, and Umar (RA) began his remarkable reign.
The first of Umar’s (RA) great successes is rapid geographical expansion. Entry into Syria and Iraq began under Abu Bakr (RA), but it is Umar (RA) who solidified a Muslim presence in these two countries. Khalid Ibn al-Walid, the general in charge, reached the Euphrates and was welcomed by the Christian Arabs who lived there. He made a treaty with the people whereby no Jews or Christians would be persecuted, freedom of religion would be ensured, and protection of all people guaranteed.
Khalid also entered Syria and took Damascus in 635. The Syrians gladly received the Muslims as well because they had ethnic and lingual ties – both were Arabs, and spoke Semitic languages (Hitti 29, Hort 62). Also, the Syrians were fed up with Byzantine oppression and outrageous taxes. Heraclius, however, regrouped, and the battle that was to be fought next would cause Syria to slip through the fingers of the Byzantine Empire. The battle of Yarmuk (636), in which the Muslim army was less than half the size of the Byzantine’s, brought the whole of Syria under Muslim leadership. It is said that Heraclius deeply regretted the loss because the country was so desirable (Hitti 30-31). In any case, Umar (RA) made a treaty with the people that included freedom of worship, protection, and lesser taxes to which the people readily agreed (Hort 62). Syria served as a springboard into Armenia (Hort 63), which came under Muslim influence around 643, and advances into Anatolia began in 641 (Hart 264).
In 638, Umar’s (RA) forces liberated Jerusalem, and in 641 Caesarea fell. As he entered the holy city, the native people were aghast to see that the leader – the effective “emperor” of the Muslims – was riding a camel and wearing tattered clothes (Hort 62, Hart 264). This marks the establishment of a Muslim Jerusalem that would last until the crusades about 500 years later. Even today, while Jerusalem is controlled by the Israelis, there is much Muslim influence throughout the city. The Palestinians lament their incredible loss.
The Persian operation, by far the most successful and decisive, was led by Sa’d bin abi Waqqas. In 637, Umar’s (RA) forces met those of Emperor Yazdagird in Qadisiyah, otherwise known as “the gateway of Persia.” (Hitti 36) The Sassanid commanding general, Rustam, led an army 6 times the number of Muslims, and despite this enormous advantage, all of Iraq west of the Tigris river was claimed by the Arabs. This miraculous feat was nothing, however, compared to the capture of Ctesiphon, the Emperor’s capital itself. It was dubbed a rival to Constantinople – a grand likeliness indeed. In May 63, Ctesiphon fell. Although they had lost a great deal, the Persians did not feel the full effects, because the swollen river created a natural defense against further invasion and protected them. However, even this seemingly natural assumption was shaken by the Arabs; they crossed and reached the city of Nihavand. In what was to be known as “the victory of victories” in 642, the fate of the Sassanid Empire was sealed: the Arabs were to bring down the age-old Persian dynasty. Emperor Yazdagird fled to Khurasan and, oddly enough, was killed by a local Persian in 651 (Hort 61).
The Egyptian campaign was led by Amr Ibn al-As, and it was carried out under conditions similar to the other campaigns. The Monophysitic Egyptians felt alienated from the Byzantines, who spoke a different language, believed in a different form of Christianity, and thought they were superior. The Byzantine governor, Cyrus, made all attempts to convert the Copts and applied the usual exorbitant taxes. The Muslims thus entered the country to the relief of the Egyptians, and a victory in Babylon allowed them entrance into Alexandria in 642 (Hitti 33-34). Cyrus was actually in favor of surrendering, however, Heraclius refused to allow him to sign a peace treaty with Amr. Only after the emperor’s death was peace finally established in Egypt (Hort 63). The new Muslim inhabitants kept basically the same Byzantine administration for a while and did not oust the Coptic officials from their posts. A lighter tax on Christians and Jews was imposed, and no forcible conversion took place (Hort 64).
The reason these expansions are so amazing is not just because of their far reach, but also because of their permanence. Even today, Syria, Iraq, and Egypt are thoroughly Arabized Muslim countries. The majority of the population is Muslim, and virtually all inhabitants, Muslim or non-Muslim, speak Arabic as their primary language. Persia, although it reverted back to Sassanid culture and language, is still a Muslim country as well (Hart 264). Islam and the Arabic language have lived for more than 1,400 years in the Middle East, with no sign of weakening or instability, and for this Umar Ibn al-Khattab should be given credit.
In addition to the above accomplishments, Umar (RA) also kept the Muslim community united. All of his generals listened to and supported him, and corruption among the ranks was nonexistent. Umar (RA) had an overall knowledge of everything that was going on, and he integrated this knowledge wisely and for the benefit of all people. For example, he kept the native administrations of the countries that the Muslims entered and just appointed governors; this limited tension and discord. In general, there was overwhelming support for his leadership, and this kept the community unified (Hort 64). This unity strengthened his administration and avoided the internal bickering and crippling non-action that exists among today’s Muslim community.
Concerning economic matters, the land of the occupied countries was left in the hands of the owners, and a light property tax (kharaj) was imposed along with the “people of the book” tax (jizya). The revenue from these taxes and rent etc. went to the bayt al-mal, or government treasury. Thus, a solid fiscal system was established. Diwans, or registers, were set up, the first being a diwan of pensions for the family of Muhammad (PBUH) and the men who fought in battles, much-resembling welfare (Hort 64-65). Umar (RA) was stringent concerning money matters and did not appreciate useless spending (Hitti 40). This helped him build a strong economy.
Another somewhat ignored achievement made by Umar (RA) was the creation of the Muslim calendar. Before that time, people gauged events with natural occurrences. For example, one would say that their first child was born during the drought and their second a few years after that. Needless to say, this became a problem, and Umar (RA) devised a solution: he began the first Muslim year from the first day of hijrah, or migration of Muhammad. Everything after that was referred to as after hijrah, or A.H. This eliminated estimation in time periods and greatly improved the accuracy and efficiency of government proceedings and similar matters (Hort 66, Faruqi 194).
The final major accomplishment that Umar (RA) should be credited with is the formation of the Islamic judicial system. He appointed the first provincial judges to Basra and Kufa. Although Umar (RA) did not convey extensive detail, and the system eventually changed, he did impart some influence, and it was his insight that helped the birth of this institution (Hitti 40). Muhammad Iqbal calls him “the first critical and independent mind in Islam who, at the last moments of the Prophet, had the moral courage to utter these remarkable words: ‘The Book of God is sufficient for us.’” (Iqbal 129). This illustrates Umar’s fundamental basis for Islamic jurisprudence – the Quran.
Thus, although Umar Ibn al-Khattab (RA) may have been forgotten by some modern scholars, his influence remains to be seen everywhere in the Middle East. Most Arab and/or Muslim countries owe their existence to the expansions made during his caliphate. Umar (RA) established the beginnings of the Islamic judicial system and devised a systematic measurement of time through the lunar calendar, which most Muslims still use today. He succeeded in maintaining the unity of the Muslim community, and he built a sound economic system that encouraged prosperity. Although he did not compile the Quran itself, Umar (RA) did contribute to the effort to purify and distribute copies to the growing number of Muslims. He is a magnanimous figure not only in Islam but in all of human history as well.
“When Umar conquered Jerusalem, with the possible exception of King David, he gave Jews the most generous treatment ever, protecting their rights and liberty.” Karen Armstrong (A History of Jerusalem)
“Umar is the perfect embodiment of integrity in Islam. His scrupulous honesty and passion for impartial justice are equivalent to that of Muhammad.” John Adair.
“After Abu Bakr’s death, Umar would prove himself as a remarkable leader, inspired strategist, and a brilliant administrator. There is no one like him in all the centuries of the Western history. Perhaps the likes of Abraham Lincoln and Cato may touch upon some of the closest aspects of his character.” Barnaby Rogerson, 2006
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