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Hear the bells break the silence

Shatter it to the bone

Hear the old world dying

Withering like the fig tree

Holy violence storms the soul

And penetrates the temple veil

The heavens are unhinged

Flooding earth with song,

The melody of Eden’s innocence

That wove the first red dawn

It bursts, it bounds, a ball of light

A star, that guides the searcher,

And sheep with their lambs

This is the Nativity of all that is

The Triune Council and Bethlehem’s Babe


Earth’s kings in their glory tremble

But the bruised reeds are healed

Go out to the corners and cry:

Eden grows in a Virgin’s womb!

Eden lies in a feeding troth!

Eden is a seed that dies!

Eden is the bread that rises!

Let the infinite invade the finite

Let the unseen reveal His Face

Let Master suffer and serve!

For He is speech to the mute

And the sight of the blind

He is the word to the deaf

And the limbs of the lame

May the chasm be bridged

And the distance be tread


Come, Sin, show us your worst!

Come, Death, deal us your sting!

Come, Satan, wield your deceit!

For the Lamb of God is come,

Swaddled in the straw,

Slain for our salvation,

And we scorn the powers of Hell!

They have come to naught!

By His birth we are born anew,

By His dying, death is trampled down

And by His rising, we will rise to Him!

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