Saints and Sages – Winter 2022 Issue

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“One day we will learn that the heart can never be totally right if the head is totally wrong. Only through the bringing together of head and heart—intelligence and goodness—shall man rise to a fulfillment of his true nature.” – The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

In every time and place, there have been those whose holiness and insight have marked them out as an example to be followed. Their reach has been universal, like rain falling upon the seeds of spiritual growth, both for their contemporaries and the generations that came after them. They provide timeless guidance for living a life of wholeness that encompasses body, mind, and spirit in the service of God and in solidarity with our fellow man, springing up through the ages to confront the conditions that faced them, and continue to face us.

Sometimes they helped change the world through actively advancing causes of social justice; other times they did so through the contemplative preservation of wisdom. We hear their stories, and read their writings, as if they were still among us today, pointing the direction of the pilgrim’s path. They shape our collective consciousness, comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable. They take us by the hand and lead us out into the desert, or far across the sea, or to any “thin place” where heaven and earth, temporality and eternity, can meet.

In this issue, we explore the lives and legacies of various saints and sages who have inspired our contributors. We explore the rich body of work they have bequeathed us, both through their lives and writings, from which we may understand who they were and who we may become. The articles featured here aim to offer new perspectives on figures you may know, while introducing new ones, in the spirit of interfaith dialogue and fellowship.

Avellina Balestri, Editor-in-Chief & Wesley Hutchins, Managing Editor


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Table of Contents

Editor’s NoteAvellina Balestri and Wesley Hutchins

04. The Hands of Joseph TrembledKerstin Koepl

07. Thomism and its Place in the Catholic Church: A Historical BriefMartina Juričková

13. Lydwine of Schiedam: A Saint For Our TimesGuy Jackson

17. My Buddy St. AnthonyRay E. Lipinski

19. Rabia’s Heart of One LoveNoor Yusuf

30. St. Catherine of Genoa and Baron Von Hugel: An Encounter in EternitySean Earner

39. Edmund The MartyrAvellina Balestri

43. Nusaybah: Bravest of BelieversAdeel Ahmed

47. The Story of St. ChadGraeme Restorick

51. St. Gabriel Possenti and the Sanctity of FightingNathan Stone

54. Seven Moments in the Death of John Bradburne – William Rees

58. Tolkien & Teilhard, Creation & Evolution: Alternative Sages of the Modern AgeWarren Herman

64. Freedom to do What Exactly? – Andrew Likoudis

71. Immaculate Perception – Danny Oscar Rutilio

72. The Beginning of Life – Leah Fisher

76. Imam Ali (AS) AND Imam Hussein (AS): Saints and Guides for All of Humanity – Kawther Rahmani

84. St. Nicholas Owen: Builder of Priest Hides in Elizabethan England – Tim Guile

92. Wolves – Hasan Shikoh

95. Feasts of Saints – Amanda Pizzolatto

97. John Wesley’s Savannah Mission and the Roots of Methodism – Wesley Hutchins

100. Credits, Next Issue, Disclaimer, and Website


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