By G. Connor Salter
Part I: Saturday
I stand here in my cave, my abyss
Weep as I walk further inward.
Into the bowels of my sin,
Here I find my hidden longings.
Dark revolting nameless things,
Fondled hatreds, putrid lusts.
Here my darkest, evil cravings
Walk about, no fear of hiding.
“Oh, I am surely, truly damned!”
I cry aloud in anguish.
“To house such foul designs as this,
To have a mind that holds such urges!”
“There cannot be a single thing
In heav’n that would behold this circus
Of my mind’s darkness, and not cry,
‘To Hell with you, you heinous creature!’”
I sit upon the cavern’s rubble,
The hopeless tears run down my face.
My screams rebound off granite walls
I sit and wail, a wretched thing.
Part II: Sunday
A friendly hand lands on my shoulder,
I look up and behold a face
Of royalty and power great,
A man who makes me feel ignoble.
He looks around my vile cave,
The filthy things are all carousing.
Sees the sewage that I house
In all its hideous, obscene carnage.
He looks to me, makes me stand up,
Kisses me upon the brow
Then takes me in his loving arms
Says “Come home, son, it’s time to go.”
“You’ve wallowed in this place too long,
Walked too long the halls of loathing.
I care not what you see in you
I only see what I know true.”
We walk together up the tunnel
Back towards a light I felt unfit for.
Joyful tears consume my eyes
As I am led to Paradise.
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