Greenroof 14, 850; Secondday
The castle was buzzing with excitement and people hurrying to get everything finished. Last night, General Kaymen informed me that I needn’t go to training today or tomorrow. Court was also not going to be held (mainly because the throne room was being decorated for the ceremony), so I was free to do whatever the Narnians needed.
Throughout the day, I got reports on how things were coming. While I was eating lunch, a female Robin told me that both my and Amesh’s belongings had been moved into the Royal Rooms – the rooms that used to be my parents’. The Narnians’ efficiency surprised me, though I knew it shouldn’t have.
After lunch, the Dryads who made my gown required me to try the dress on to see if it needed any altering. When I saw the gown, I was awed. It was made of white silk and it had gold embroidery in a spiral going all around, starting from the left shoulder and ending at the hem. The dress would expose my shoulders, and the wide sleeves would come down to my elbows. When I put it on, it felt like a second skin, and to the luck of the Dryads, it fit perfectly.
The next order of business was to get out of the gown and get my hair styled. I went and sat on the stool in my old room, for Gracia to do my hair. I was surprised when she only brushed it, put my crown on my head, and arranged my hair slightly.
I gave her a confused look through the mirror.
“Once I saw your wedding gown, Majesty, I knew that this was the perfect hairstyle. The natural waves in your hair make you look beautiful,” the Cherry-blossom Dryad explained.
I blushed at her comment. I walked over to the big bed and sat on the edge. “Do you know when the ceremony is, Gracia? I’ve somehow been kept in the dark about that detail.”
“Five o’clock in the evening was decided upon, Queen Swanwhite. You have two hours.”
Two hours. I couldn’t believe it. In just over two hours, I would be married to Amesh. My stomach started to tie itself in knots, but it subsided after I said a little prayer.
Amesh and I had been kept apart all day, so I was dying to see him. I caught sight of him waiting outside the throne room doors with Shream and Famina close by. My fiancé was dressed in a maroon tunic, grey trousers, and black boots; he looked quite handsome. When he caught sight of me, he gaped. I ducked my head bashfully, and my lips parted in a smile as I walked over to him.
Amesh took my hands in his and whispered, “Narnia rivals your beauty, though you win the contest.”
“You truly look dazzling, Majesty,” Famina added. Her pups still hadn’t come, but I had a funny feeling they would show up in a few days, though she was positively glowing.
“I can do naught but agree, Queen Swanwhite,” said Shream with a doggie smile on his face.
“Why, thank you,” I said to all of them.
Master Temnay Fox came to us and said, “It is time, Majesties.”
I took a deep breath, attempting to calm my excited nerves. Amesh smiled and offered me his arm. I gracefully took it as the Wolves took their spots – Shream to my right and Famina to Amesh’s left.
Temnay opened the doors to present the gorgeously decorated throne room. There were flowers of all kinds everywhere, and the Centaurs of the army held their swords to make an archway for us to pass under.
We reached the dais where Aslan was waiting for us. Shream and Famina took a spot off to my right for the ceremony.
Aslan started the wedding by saying to the Narnians, “Children. Today we witness the marriage of Queen Swanwhite to Amesh, former Tarkaan, and his coronation.”
The Great Lion looked to us. “Join hands, my daughter and son. And look into each others’ eyes.”
We did as He said. I felt adrenalin course through my body, I was so excited.
“Love, loyalty, and truth, my children, are virtues you desire to uphold in this marriage. When you disagree, you will listen. When one is unable to carry out his duty, the other shall alleviate the pressure. What is wrong with one shall be wrong with the other; what is right with one shall be right with the other. May your children and country follow your example.”
Aslan breathed on us when he finished.
He then turned to a Faun who had two gold and silver twisted rings on a small velvet pillow. “Wear these rings, my children, as a symbol of your love.”
Amesh took my ring and pushed it onto my ring finger, and then I did the same for him. It was time to kiss. Slowly, Amesh drew me close and bent his head to kiss me. Closing my eyes, I turned my head to him. When our lips met, it was like utter paradise. We kissed long and deep; I was thankful Kaymen had us wait to kiss, for it felt so good that I never wanted it to end.
When we did part (due to lack of air), I noticed the Narnians cheering for us. We looked to Aslan, who was smiling. The same Faun brought over another velvet pillow – this one with a gold crown for Amesh. Aslan nodded to me and I delicately picked up the crown as Amesh knelt before Him. The crowd of Narnians quickly became silent.
Aslan spoke as I placed the crown on Amesh’s head. “Narnia, today I give you a new King. King Amesh, husband and consort to Queen Swanwhite the Alluring.”
The Narnians roared as Amesh, now King consort, stood and bowed to Aslan. The Great Lion again waited for the Narnians to quiet down before He said, “Let the celebration begin!”
The celebration was full of music, dancing, food, and well-wishes. My husband and I were able to say farewell to Aslan before He left, after which the Narnians coerced us into leading off the first dance.
An hour into the celebration, the children gathered and sang, “They’ll Know We are Narnians” for us.
“We are one in Spir-it, we are one in As-lan, We are one in Spirit, we are one in As-lan, And we pray that all u-ni-ty may one day be re-stored. (To refrain)
“And they’ll know we are Nar-nians by our love, by our love, Yes they’ll know we are Nar-nians by our love.
“We will walk with each oth-er, we will walk hand in hand, We will walk with each oth-er, we will walk hand in hand, And to-geth-er we’ll spread the spread the news that He is in our land (To refrain).
“We will work with each oth-er, we will work side by side, We will work with each oth-er, we will work side by side, And we’ll guard each one’s dig-ni-ty and save each one’s pride. (To refrain)
“All praise to the Emp-‘r, from whom all things are come, And all praise to As-lan, his on-ly Son, And all praise to the Spir-it, who makes us one.” (To refrain)
When they finished, we all clapped for them. I wanted to run up and hug them all, but there were far too many children.
Amesh and I danced and talked with Narnians well up to midnight. By the stroke of twelve, I could barely walk straight and my eyes could hardly stay open. The Narnians gave us a grand farewell and goodnight as we headed for our rooms; I expected that the Narnians would be up well into the morning.
My King and I walked side-by-side with one of our arms around each other’s back. When we were close to our Royal Rooms, I tripped on my own feet and nearly went crashing to the ground. Quickly, Amesh scooped me into his arms and carried me bridal style (which only made sense, if you know what I mean).
“M’sorry, darlin’,” I slurred sleepily.
“Worry not, love. Sleep. I will wake you when we arrive at our rooms.”
That was the last thing I remember before I woke next to Amesh in bed the next morning.
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