Author: Avellina Balestri
Christos Razdajetsja! Christ Is Born!
BY CHRISTOPHER WOODS Christ is born; let us glorify him. Christ comes down from heaven; let us go out to meet him. Read more
Honey from a Lion’s Ribs: Thinking and Praying Over Jerusalem
BY AVELLINA BALESTRI O my God, have you not seen us all here, all of us, Your children? Are we so very different, we who submit to Thee? Read more
Burnt: A Harry Potter Serial- Chapter 32: Dumbledore’s Last Stand
“Puer ignis. Child of Fire. Fire was far more than just a state of burning. It was in and of itself a beginning and an end. Fire cleansed. Fire started and fire ended. He and Gellert had created the spell and then he had further modified its original design into something far more dangerous.” Read more
The Jeweler’s Apprentice: Chapter 21
BY E. KAISER WRITES “Bad news, Brithin,” the fellow said apologetically. “That scoundrel escaped early this morning.” Read more
Meeting in the Black Forest
…We already knew what happened to your parents. We were still in anxious wait for word of your sister. And to hear that … is it not still a sorry fate for a genie?” “A lamp is better than . . .” Read more
Slaves, Sons, and Submission: Christian and Muslim Understandings of God
BY AVELLINA BALESTRI I believe it’s fair to say that all three of the Abrahamic faiths see God as both transcendent and immanent. Read more
Snowflakes are twirling The wind is whirling All throughout the land… Read more
The mandrakes had a song, one that started with the world on the third day. They sang of secret places, where the seeds sprouted, where the young would grow. Seven year old Reuben had heard the song, and reached for the berries to give to his mother, Leah. Read more
The Jeweler’s Apprentice: Chapter 20
BY E. KAISER WRITES “I got an apprenticeship, and this sort of happened with it. Father knows all about it, Evin.” Read more
Burnt: A Harry Potter Serial- Chapter 31: Dumbledore’s Fate
By LastCrazyHorn Word Count: 105891 Rating: PG-13 for brief language, violence, and depictions of abuse Summary: A disabled Harry comes to Hogwarts story. Everyone expects him to be like his dad, but how can he be with such a different past? A Slytherin Harry takes on Hogwarts in an unusual way Snape shook off Moody’s hand with… Read more
A Short Discourse on Friendship
BY SARAH LEVESQUE There’s nothing particular wrong with any of these types of friendships, as long as you are both on the same page. Read more
Kinana’s Chronicle
BY JANETTA MUNIRAH MACLEAN “Ya Allah, you are the Fashioner and the Maker and the Knower and Shaper of destiny. Please, please help me.” Read more
“And Still to Their Goal the Rivers Go”
The river currents flow, and so do we And find our sunlit dreams upon the sea Read more
Captured from Bondage: A Christian Reflection on Following God
BY KETURAH LAMB Following God is simple, and it’s complex. It’s easy. It’s hard. It’s all about relationship. Read more
The Outburst
BY JACINTA BOUDREAU No matter how plain, or successful in life, all are called to the feast, by the Father, through Christ. Read more
The Minstrel and the Apple: A Story of Avalon and Robin Hood
BY T.K. WILSON “Father promised me his lands when I turned eighteen and my own choice of husband! Both are mine as of tomorrow morning!” Read more
My Favorite Things
Traditions of old and the Blessed Virgin Mary Flowers and trees and a pretty pixie fairy Christmas carols that make me dance and sing These are a few of my favorite things Read more
Journey Through Roses and Thorns: The Mysteries of the Rosary and The Lord of the Rings
BY AMANDA PIZZOLATTO You can say that it is basically the Bible, but the Rosary only focuses on certain events in the lives of Jesus and Mary, not all of them. Read more
The Jeweler’s Apprentice: Chapter 19
BY E. KAISER WRITES “Murdering little thieves! Leave me be, I tell you! Give me back what belongs to me!” Read more
Burnt: A Harry Potter Serial- Chapter 30: Home Sweet Hole
“‘WE MISSED YOU AT DINNER,’ Said the first message. It made him snort and stomp his foot in amusement. His sudden change in behaviour caused Baby to try to move upward, but he swiftly caught her hind leg and pulled her back down to safety.” Read more