Author: Avellina Balestri
Is Faith Reasonable?: Being Receptive to All Reality
BY AMANDA TKACZOW There had to be a period before the universe started, a period before the “big bang” happened and matter was thrown every which way. Read more
The Prophet and the Dancing Girl: A St. John’s Day Poem
By Lawrence Hall Word Count: 93 Rating: PG (Mild blood) Summary: The Martyrdom of John the Baptist is described from an unusual source. When the kitchen staff did the washing-up They could not but notice, among the bowls And serviettes, spoons, knives, pitchers, and plates, One of the best silver trays, blotchy with blood And… Read more
Burnt: A Harry Potter Serial- Chapter 8: Understanding
By LastCrazyHorn Word Count: Rating: PG-13 for brief language, violence, and depictions of abuse Summary: A disabled Harry comes to Hogwarts story. Everyone expects him to be like his dad, but how can he be with such a different past? A Slytherin Harry takes on Hogwarts in an unusual way. ‘Both wandless and silent magic are… Read more
The Jeweler’s Apprentice- Chapter 4
BY E. KAISER WRITES “There’s sure to be a way around, even if I have to knock on someone’s door. It’s all part of the castle gardens.” Read more
Cutting the Cord: A Game of Thrones Serial – Chapter 5: A New Year
BY AVELLINA BALESRI “So…once upon a time, there dwelt a…princess, a strikingly beautiful princess, with hair like the tawny fire and eyes like azure ice.” Read more
Reflections of the Truth: An Analysis of Five Catholic Quotations from “The Lord of the Rings”
BY ELLEN VIRGINIA As an avid reader, I’ve discovered many noteworthy books, but for me, nothing can surpass The Lord of the Rings. Read more
Death and the Lion: A Crossover Serial- Chapter 18: Back at Spavento
By Amanda Pizzolatto (alias Aurora Mandeville) Word Count: 31845 Rating: PG for scary situations Summary: Nico Di Angelo, son of Hades, is used to being alone, until one day a girl with auburn hair waltzes into his life… It was mid-morning by the time Nico found Victor Getz’s office, where Victor, Riccio, and Mosca were… Read more
The White Hare
BY EVA WEGGELAAR “When I woke up, I was sitting outside this farm, no longer a woman. I’d changed into a white hare.” Read more
Death Imitates Art: Looking Darkness and Humanity in the Eye Through Fiction
BY J.J. FRANCESCO Despite the dark content contained within, I always make sure to infuse the light of Christ in all of it. Read more
Seasons Change
BY DEIDRE LOCKYER The Earth rearranges herself, a lady changing her clothes, her hair, her jewels. Soon the trees will wear red and orange and yellow. Read more
By Deidre Lockyer Word Count: 179 Rating: G Summary: A woman morns for her love. Today the sky was blue, and you showed me the colour of the clouds on your side of heaven, Today the air was perfumed by you and my memories of us. I lay awake watching the morning describe itself in… Read more
Burnt: A Harry Potter Serial- Chapter 7: Not Working
By LastCrazyHorn Word Count: Rating: PG-13 for brief language, violence, and depictions of abuse Summary: A disabled Harry comes to Hogwarts story. Everyone expects him to be like his dad, but how can he be with such a different past? A Slytherin Harry takes on Hogwarts in an unusual way. “Harry, look at me, child. Look… Read more
The Jeweler’s Apprentice- Chapter 3
BY E. KAISER WRITES “It’s been some time you’ve been hidden away in the foothill country, but I see you’ve been handling a large job.” Read more
An Ikon of St. Seraphim of Sarov Among Birch Trees
By Lawrence Hall Word Count: 90 Rating: G Summary: A contemplation on the life of a saint. Saint Seraphim among the birch trees, bent In penitential pain – O pray for us A thousand souls depending on your peace And then a thousand more for each, and more Saint Seraphim among the birch trees,… Read more
Cutting the Cord: A Game of Thrones Serial – Chapter 4: Sansa’s Hymn
BY AVELLINA BALESTRI “Tell me, are you the same girl who sang at Blackwater, sang out your heart when the battle was raging?” Read more
For Those Who Believe: A Review of “The Song of Bernadette”
BY AVELLINA BALESTRI Jennifer Jones is impeccably chosen for the part, combining rural innocence with spiritual wisdom in her portrayal of the saint. Read more
Ophelia’s Sister Song
By Deidre Lockyer Word Count: 216 Rating: PG (References to loss) Summary: A Poem of loss. Last night I dreamt I was a tree A Willow weeping in a cold, silent grove. The Moonlight bathed me in silver, but I felt it not, Numbed by loss to all but my weeping. When you walked… Read more
Death and the Lion: A Crossover Serial- Chapter 17: Midnight Madness
By Amanda Pizzolatto (alias Aurora Mandeville) Word Count: 31845 Rating: PG for scary situations Summary: Nico Di Angelo, son of Hades, is used to being alone, until one day a girl with auburn hair waltzes into his life… The four boys clambered over the darkened cobblestone streets and dainty iron bridges. Nico had shadow-traveled them… Read more
Eternally Mine: A Winnie the Pooh Poem
“Dear, dear, Pooh Bear, do not fear. I will always remember you. You will always be mine.” Read more
The Fountain of Faith
BY CHRISTOPHER WOODS Ninety years ago, a cataclysmic event struck our home planet, Earth, and destroyed nearly all traces of civilization. Read more