Author: Avellina Balestri
The Jeweler’s Apprentice: Prologue
BY E. KAISER WRITES “Blast the mountains and drain the lakes! Why can’t anybody do what they’re supposed to these days?” Read more
Breath of Liberty
“You may not have served in a battlefield yet you were willing in the gap for us, and sacrificed in your own way.” Read more
Cutting the Cord: A Game of Thrones Serial – Chapter 1: An Exchange of Hands
BY AVELLINA BALESTRI “It is the wise one who takes the knife, cuts the cord, and frees himself from the fools.” Read more
The Privilege of Little Words and Mighty Swords: The Mystery of Love and Death in Mythology
BY BRADLEY J. BIRZER Love is not dead, and it is certainly not about death. Immensely far from it; for love conquers death. Read more
Three Queens, One Quest: A Chronicles of Narnia Story
“Do you want to know what I think?” Aslan asked, his low voice rumbling. “I think you are a beautiful young lady.” Read more
The Meeting of a Knight and a Dragon
She had named the dragon ‘Bilbo’ and would often fly away on him when she was cross with her aunt and uncle. And so it fell to the noble Knight James to once again summon her and bring her back to the castle. Read more
Death and the Lion: A Crossover Serial – Chapter 14: Scripo’s Secret
By Amanda Pizzolatto (alias Aurora Mandeville) Word Count: 31845 Rating: PG for scary situations Summary: Nico Di Angelo, son of Hades, is used to being alone, until one day a girl with auburn hair waltzes into his life… “Where is he? He’s never late,” muttered Riccio as the four waited outside Ida Spavento’s house, standing… Read more
A Dome of Gold Dust: A Catechism Tale
Many times the man said, “If I was in that garden, I’d never pick the fruit and disobey God.” And she said the same. They would sit at the fires in their rocking chairs, and talk about how silly their First Parents had been, and how they would outwit the serpent. “Oh no,” they thought.… Read more
Dream Voyagers
BY DONNA FERGUSON DUDLEY ‘Neath star-shine and moon-glow’s touch, the Ship of Dreams sails on. Its destination, only by believers, is well known. Read more
In Aeternum: The England That Never Changes
BY JOSEPH PEARCE We know that such an England can never die, because it exists as a beautiful flower in the Gardens of Eternity. Read more
One Body, Many Parts: A Chronicles of Narnia Poem
“Aslan is the Head He teaches the rest Of the Body About Himself.” Read more
Burnt: A Harry Potter Serial – Chapter 3: Revelations
By LastCrazyHorn Word Count: Rating: PG-13 for brief language, violence, and depictions of abuse Summary: A disabled Harry comes to Hogwarts story. Everyone expects him to be like his dad, but how can he be with such a different past? A Slytherin Harry takes on Hogwarts in an unusual way. Harry could tell that Pomfrey had… Read more
Honeybee: Chapter 3
BY M.C. PEHRSON “I’ll be gone all evening,” he told Emma. “Be a good Honeybee for your Aunt Daisy.” Read more
His Daughter: A Chronicles of Narnia Story
“When another ship arrives, then travels to Aslan’s country, leaving a member of its crew behind, and returns here,” said Ramandu. “Then they will awaken, and they will return to their homes.” Read more
The Screwtape Emails
BY TOM HOLSTE As you noted in your last message, the way that your patient argues with his peers on his electronic device has provided much entertainment. Read more
Cutting the Cord: A Game of Thrones Serial – Prologue: The Escape
BY AVELLINA BALESTRI “If you let them draw you back into their game, you lose, my lord,” she stated steadily. “You lose everything.” Read more
Narnia Adventures!: A Chronicles of Narnia Poem
“Through magical wardrobe, where the White Witch awaited, But also their purpose, which legend related. For two sons of Adam, two daughters of Eve Were destined to evil witch’s powers, defeat!” Read more
C.S. Lewis and the Intangible Mystery of Roman Catholicism
“C.S. Lewis instinctively grasped the concept of the preternatural, the place between heaven and Earth where souls are won and lost. He quintessentially understood that there was a battle in the nether world.” Read more
Death and the Lion: A Crossover Serial – Chapter 13: The Getz Guest
By Amanda Pizzolatto (alias Aurora Mandeville) Word Count: 31845 Rating: PG for scary situations Summary: Nico Di Angelo, son of Hades, is used to being alone, until one day a girl with auburn hair waltzes into his life… “So, aren’t we going to go scout out the place?” “That eager to go, huh, Nic?” “Not… Read more
The Ethics of Escape: A Philosophical Analysis
BY CHARLES A. COULOMBE “It is easy to debunk escapism; but notice that the ones who do so are usually the gaolers!” Read more