Author: Avellina Balestri
Vale of Tears: A Song of the Elves
BY MARY-FAUSTINA A glitter, glimmer, moth of white, unto a world of shaded sight you sent me forth into the night. Read more
A Slytherin Situation: A Harry Potter Serial – Chapter 4
BY SARAH LEVESQUE “I do want to see them – they died when I was barely older than a baby in my world, and I miss them dreadfully.” Read more
The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved: Chapter 1
BY ELLEN VIRGINIA Something sinister was drawing near; with all these worries nagging at the back of my mind, how could I simply sit idly and wait. Read more
May I Borrow Your Finger?
By Lawrence “Mack” Hall Word Count: 91 Rating: G (suitable for all audiences) Summary: A poem about today’s childhood. A small child asked another. An old man turned To wonder about a question he had never heard How does one lend a finger? But then he saw: A fingerprint to open a little ‘phone For… Read more
Silence Louder Than Words: A Movie Review of “A Man for All Seasons”
BY AVELLINA BALESTRI A Man for All Seasons stands apart as a classically-crafted, skillfully executed, emotionally engrossing political and historical drama. Read more
Women and Other Worlds: The Feminine Mystique Comes to Fantasy
BY DR. JAMES LAWSON Away with Princess Leia in her impractical gold bikini; this is the age of the pragmatic Katniss Everdeen. Read more
Scarlet Wings
BY AVELLINA BALESTRI Oh, my love, my love, your wings unfurled, take heed, the balls at thee are hurled. Read more
Death and the Lion: A Crossover Serial – Chapter 8: A Stellar Recovery
By Amanda Pizzolatto (alias Aurora Mandeville) Word Count: 31845 Rating: PG for scary situations Summary: Nico Di Angelo, son of Hades, is used to being alone, until one day a girl with auburn hair waltzes into his life… Nico’s eyes fluttered open and let out a soft moan. He certainly wasn’t dead, but he wasn’t… Read more
The Hunt
Very occasionally a cursing warrior would be sent tumbling down the hill, their passage marked by the crashing of crushed stems and a cloud of snow dust. For the most part, however, the agile cat-men proceeded at a good pace. Read more
Solo Flight: Finding Inspiration in the Airport
BY EMMA CASSMAN It was my first solo flight. I’d made it through customs with only two near panic attacks. Read more
Standing at the Crossroads
BY AVELLINA BALESTRI I stand at the crossroads of a world gone mad, tossing in the current of ‘Great Events’. Read more
Egalitarian Gal: Feminism, Equality, and How We Treat Each Other
BY RACHEL LIANNA HOLLAND Have you ever heard the joke: “Which weighs more? A pound of rocks or a pound of feathers?” Read more
The Pomegranate: An Original Fairy Tale
By Amanda Pizzolatto (alias Aurora Mandeville) Word Count: 652 Rating: G (suitable for all audiences) Summary: An original fairy tale in the mold of Andersen and Le Prince de Beaumont. Once upon a time, in a faraway land, lived a sickly king and his three children. Sensing that his days were coming to an end,… Read more
A Slytherin Situation: A Harry Potter Serial – Chapter 3
BY SARAH LEVESQUE “Here, she was sorted into Slytherin.” Snape pointed to the picture, where Lily was clearly wearing green. Read more
Through Those Eyes: The Light of Divine Mercy
By The Traveling Troubadour Word Count: 705 Rating: G (suitable for all audiences) Summary: A reflection on the eyes of Christ for Divine Mercy Sunday. Authors Note: This image of the crowned head of Our Lord hangs in the entrance of the Stone Church of the Madonna on the Hill in Fort Lee, NJ built… Read more
The Confessional: A Treasure Unlocked
By Ashley Osmera Word Count: 1,263 Rating: G (suitable for all audiences) Summary: A fallen-away Catholic meets a priest who explains to him the treasure of the sacrament of Confession Steven cautiously opened the door of the church. It was obvious he hadn’t been there for some time, because he scanned the area for a… Read more
The Admiral
BY RAE-RAE FRANCHI The day I saw the Admiral for the first and final time, my mouth fell wide open, and my eyes blinked with surprise! Read more
New Beginnings: A Harry Potter Story
BY VIOLET JAMES “Many wise words have been written about love,” he observed. “Understand that love is a choice you make every day, even when it is hard.” Read more
Song of Songs
“Let my life be spent out Like the smallest of birds, Winging its way from forest freedom To the flame-speckled hut To the wild air again.” Read more
Visions in the Streets: A Movie Review of “Don Bosco”
BY AVELLINA BALESTRI Ben Gazzara stars as Don Bosco, urged on by his prophetic dreams and passion for the poor to open an oratory in the city of Turin. Read more