Author: Avellina Balestri
Interview with Killarney & Margaret Traynor, Authors of “Tale Half Told “
BY SARAH LEVESQUE Tale Half Told is a story about four people who get stuck at an old house in a snowstorm. The house is haunted. Read more
Sanctuary: A Harry Potter Serial – Chapter 2: Years of Memories
BY SHEANKELOR “He … I don’t know what to believe about him. The news, it’s grim. My sister’s children have told me stories of him for years.” Read more
Elsie: An Original Fairy Tale
“You’re obviously the daughter of a nobleman who has snuck out to get some air, some real conversation, and maybe some fun.” Read more
Little Plastic Army Men Campaigning on a Snow Day
“If I were a boy I’d range my toy soldiers before the fire Vast armies of plastic in green and grey.” Read more
A White Christmas: A Crossover Story
By Amanda Pizzolatto Word Count: Rating: PG Summary: Carrie White, now safe and happy, is expecting a baby! Now, what to name her… Note: See the end of the story for a list of characters and books/movies of origin. Carrie White took a quick sip of her hot cocoa before leaning back in her recliner.… Read more
As a Hobbit Dear: A Lord of the Rings Serial – Chapter 3: The Return
BY AMANDA PIZZOLATTO I stayed behind to help clean up Bag End, and ended up having to take care of a sickly Frodo. Read more
…Who Gives Joy to my Youth
By Lawrence Hall Word Count: 138 Rating: G Summary: A poem of joy. Introibo ad altare Dei. Ad Deum qui laetificat juventutem meam. I will go in to the altar of God: to God who giveth joy to my youth. –Daily Missal, 1962 For Brother Simon A child thinks joy is all… Read more
Remembering Blessings
On a brown barren tree branch / sat a beautiful cardinal, / and he didn’t seem to mind the cold… Read more
Sanctuary: A Harry Potter Serial – Chapter 1: The Rites
BY SHEANKELOR “Yes, I know who this is. I also know he is a loyal member of my flock, one who is trusting me to help him.” Read more
Artwork Wanted!
Attention all artists! Fellowship & Fairydust is now accepting artwork! We’re looking for C.S. Lewis-based art for our upcoming issue, but we’re also looking for fan art (for both well-established fandoms and others), and original pieces. The same rules that apply to written works also apply to artwork – we accept nothing that goes against… Read more
Remember This: A Movie Review of Casablanca
BY NATHAN STONE The old saying goes, “Can’t live with them, can’t live without them.” The same thing holds true for legends. Read more
The Eyes of the Heart: A Movie Review of “Prince of Foxes”
BY AVELLINA BALESTRI This is a story about what’s really important in life, told with both vigor and subtlety, mirroring the many moods of the tale. Read more
Scour the Horse Anew: An Analysis of G.K. Chesterton’s Epic Poem “The Ballad of the White Horse”
BY AVELLINA BALESTRI Fight on, even though the days grow darker yet, and know that the Great Battle has already been won by Christ the King. Read more
The Beast’s Castle: A Big Four Adventure
“Jack, Jack! The castle is under attack from the villagers, and the master won’t budge from the West Wing! What should we do?” Read more
Doesn’t Feel Like Christmas
By Linda M. Crate Word Count: 115 Rating: G Summary: A poem of a Christmas with no snow. it doesn’t feel festive nor right that Christmas is coming and there is no psalm of white snow lilting across the land promising a new hope and redemption for the end of one year and a chorus… Read more
The Enchanted Rose
By Amanda Pizzolatto Word Count: 3331 Rating: G Summary: Queen Scheherazade has a mission for young Ananse, a hero in training, but can he complete it? “Uncle Remus! Aunt Nancy! I’m home!” called out Henry right before slamming the door behind him. A dark-skinned woman in her forties appeared around the corner. “Henry Charles Anderson! How… Read more
As A Hobbit Dear: A Lord of the Rings Serial – Chapter 2: The Healing of Hurts
BY AMANDA PIZZOLATTO “I thought I had lost you for good when you fainted there on Mount Doom. They, they weren’t sure if you were going to make it.” Read more
Last Sunday After Pentecost
By Lawrence Hall Word Count: 124 Rating: G Summary: A poem of the triumph of the season of Advent over winter. A calling-crow-cold sky ceilings the world Lowering the horizon to itself, All silvery and grey upon the fields Of pale, exhausted, dry-corn-stalk summer. The earth is tired, the air is cold, the dawn False-promises… Read more
Christmas in Cokeworth: A Harry Potter Serial – Chapter 8: The Snow It Melts the Soonest
“Don’t be such a scardy-cat, Sev! You’ll do fine! Don’t worry…I’m good at this, and if you start to fall, I’ll catch you…” Read more
The Enfield Report
“He told us all about how sinners were going to Hell. I guess we all believed that already. Then he described it some and told us how the only thing keeping the wicked on this earth and out of Hell was God’s hand, and how He was getting so angry at them he’s liable to… Read more