I Always Loved
“Creating my castles and towers”
The Wellspring Chalice
“Gratitude is rare in this world of men,” she said, taking the chalice, “You have touched my heart.
Entrance of Journey
Be wary and always on guard, your enemies will try everything to stop you So keep to the path that you walk and be mindful of what you say and do.
Castle Warlock: A Translator’s Preface
BY DAVID JACK Fatherhood remains at the very heart of the tale; but Robert’s youth was defined by its absence.
The Best Robe – A Star Trek Story: Chapter 2
“We have broken a record, gentlemen,” McCoy said. “Longest time on shore leave without anyone getting burned, blasted, fried, or beaten beyond recognition. Four whole days.“
Slip in Time: Chapter 2
BY CHRIS S. (ALIAS WEREWOLFKING350) “Do you know about Hogwarts?” Severus asked, knowing the boy most likely wasn’t a muggle.
Sun, Sky & Moon Chronicles Chapter 4: Recon & The Chair
Mother was right, Khalid thought. They’re kidnapping children. Wonderful children, super-humans and Myth both.
Techelah’s Decision
“Techelah?” Dahariel’s voice was soft as she placed a gentle hand on Techelah’s shoulder. Techelah’s wings drooped as his head sank….
Tolkien and Restoration: A Look at Catholicism in England during the 19th and 20th Centuries
BY DR. JOSEPH SHAW The Catholic Church in England embarked, therefore, on a massive programme of restoration.
It Is Morning
It is morning Catkins gold. Wind sun, Chainsaw sound, a warm buzz I am tired of trying…
The Fairy Fountain
BY ELIZABETH TROUP “In return for your gratitude, I have something to give you,” she said, motioning to a pink-haired fairy….
Bubbles and Snowflakes: Thoughts on Vulnerability
BY SARAH LEVESQUE Each of us has a place inside, deep inside our inmost being, hidden away from prying eyes and mocking words.
Stormy Skies and Fiery Trees
She nearly gasped, his eyes looked like a raging storm, the wind whipping around rain and clouds as lightning flashed an electrifying blue.
Adam and Eve: Myth or Divine Revelation?
BY YVONNE BEHRENS There are similarities to the story of Adam and Eve in both the version found in the Old Testament/Torah and the versions in the Qur’an.
The Lord of Creation
BY DONNA FERGUSON DUDLEY All of this bounty, He spreads through His Love, And we now, caretakers, great care, we should show….
Glorying in Glass: A Review of Snow White and the Huntsman
BY AVELLINA BALESTRI If given another title, maybe it would have a better chance of developing its own sense of identity as a motion picture.
Gypsy Angel
The boy was dressed in rags, and the cap at his feet held a few coins, but not much. Erik was intrigued.
Authenticity and Expectation: Some Roots of Christian-Muslim Debate
BY AVELLINA BALESTRI The Islamic view of the Bible is one that judges authenticity based largely upon whether it measures up to the Quran.
Slip in Time: Chapter 1
BY CHRIS S. (ALIAS WEREWOLFKING350) The last thing Harry heard before he passed out completely was a loud crack and himself screaming.
The Best Robe – A Star Trek Story: Chapter 1
“Yikes. Is he dead?” She pressed two fingers against his neck. “No, thank heavens. Just unconscious.” She grabbed him under his armpits and tugged, but she couldn’t lift him. “Help me lift him. We’re bringing him back with us.”