Diary Of An Unsafe Passage
BY SHANNON LISE JOHNSON We didn’t know when we began what new implosions of naivety awaited as we spend star-precious hours closing what is left of the gap.
The Power of Prayer
BY SARAH LEVESQUE The funny thing about prayer is that, in my experience, we don’t often pray that God’s will be done; we usually pray that our will be done.
Lost Time: Chapter 10
Suddenly, anxiety and worry rob Joyce of her smile. Who is taking care of my baby now? Who is feeding her and waking up at night to check on her and the other children? All of a sudden, the reality shakes Joyce into thinking about the present. She trembles.
Melegrist: A Lord of the Rings Story
Eyes widening in awe Estel leaned closer for there, nestled in blue velvet, was the sword of the last crowned king of Gondor.
Smeagol’s Poem
A wizened, loathsome thing was Gollum, but with large Hobbit’s eyes, alone to show what he had been before the Ring had made its claim;
The Worst of the Mohicans: A Movie Review of “The Last of the Mohicans”
BY AVELLINA BALESRI It’s high time to toss the camera reels in a back-lot ceremonial fire with the incomparably luckless Duncan.
Another Magical Ring
Frodo’s thoughts finally turned back to the ifrit as realization hit like a lightning bolt. Where had this ring come from? Why was it here? Why had Gandalf never said a word about ifrits?
Manvë and Tulkas as God’s Warriors
But having examined Manvë’s character more closely, we find out that he by no means represents Jesus. However, he has much in common with Saint Michael the archangel.
Even After Hyacinths
Give them time and they will turn Into miniature draw-string bags Upside down, but never empty Into open-ended hot air balloons Straining to set themselves free.
Dragon in the North Part Two: Trust
BY VIOLET JAMES “Trust is more rare than dragons; and it will be even more valuable in the Great War to Come.”
Memories of Sarajevo: The Healing Power of Art and Music
BY JEREMY HENZELL-THOMAS We should embrace an optimistic attitude which fosters the belief that change for the better is possible and that we can contribute to it.
Lost Time: Chapter 9
Joyce is back to the present moment and still hears the gentle voice reciting the rosary. She remembers her three-year-old little Geanna. “Mommy, will you please teach me how to pray the rosary.” “Yes, Geanna. Just sit quietly and listen to me and your siblings— and you will learn.”
The Schoolboy
From that fearful first day Through the end of senior year His familiar face remains a reminder Resembling so much a long buried hope
The Psychology of Creativity
BY SENSEI ERWIN L. RINBAN As mankind evolved, creativity became its primary weapon in the pivotal event of civilization building.
For Wrath, For Ruin: Aragorn Reflects on Helm’s Deep
BY AVELLINA BALESTRI Haldir is among them, princely as ever, serene in his eyes, nimble in his movements. I used to practice sword and archery with him.
Capax Infiniti
BY SHANNON LISE JOHNSON These liquid-mirror tremblesome reflections thrill-shot with an impulsive oblique shimmer of something else and other.
J. R. R. Tolkien and The Lord of the Rings: “The Prayers at the Foot of the Altar” and The Dark Night of the Soul
BY MICHAEL J. CARROLL Tolkien was a devout Roman Catholic who understood that the conqueror’s weapon is the Cross.
Entangled Thoughts
With knives, don’t cut yourself, but cut the mesh Which would entangle you in thoughts of death! Of course we die, but dying pointlessly Is, in the highest sense, a waste of breath.
Dragon in the North Part One: Allegiance
BY VIOLET JAMES “And I am honored to present…Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen… She has earned many titles,” he finished simply.
Souls We Hardly Save: Staying Spiritually Aware During Dark Times
BY AVELLINA BALESTRI We are to be lunatics of love, loving where love seems to have no home, speaking truth where truth is but a distant memory.