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The Day After Christmas
BY HANNAH SKIPPER No one in the discount store ever expected to find homes during the season when so many children clamored for new perfect things.
For Wrath, For Ruin: A Lord of the Rings Fanfiction
Is this the way of you mortals? Is this the thing you most fear? We have tasted it now, though we are unused to it…I am unused to it…you see? it is a terror to face it alone…oh, Estel, teach me how…stay with me…
(PART TWO)By Giovanni Carmine Costabile What is a year in a lifetime? Here is Gawain on a balcony of the castle of Camelot…
Templerock: A Tale From the Annals of the Prophet
BY MICHAEL HALDAS Something moved.
Aliens are Fairies
By Laramie Hirsch “UFOs are a modern manifestation of an age-old category of mysterious aerial phenomena…
Christmas Giggles
By Hannah Skipper Ge nerally speaking, a Christmas Eve church service is a solemn occasion. One should not make a lot of noise or fool around while attending. This story, however, is about the time I was accidentally not on my best behavior. I don’t remember how old I was, just that I was a…
(PART ONE)By Giovanni Carmine Costabile The Black Knight loudly issued his words of challenge, the dark horse-mane appended to his helmet…
You Were in Bethlehem – Don’t You Remember?
By Lawrence “Mack” Hall When you were a little child you knelt before…
For the King on His Birthday
By Leah Fisher All of the world is in darkness They suffer in all their afflictions…
Christmas Tears
By Avellina Balestri Christmas is a time for tears, a joyful melancholy…
The Islamic Perspective of The Virgin Mary and Jesus the Messiah (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon them)
By Syeda Kausar The Holy Personages of the Virgin Mary and Jesus the Messiah are highly revered in Islam…
The Hidden Life
By Warren Herman A guiding star for travelers, was herald of his birth…
The Box that Held the Songs
By G. Connor Salter The box was probably dated even when my parents bought it.
Our Love Must Make Us Strong: The Music and Mysticism of Loreena McKennitt
While no single religion may be able to claim Loreena for their own, I think there is no doubt that she is a deeply spiritually aware person, and has led others to search for God and the meaning of existence through her music.
(PROLOGUE)By Giovanni Carmine Costabile The air was filled with the bitter smell of ashes and cinders, and the Trojan could almost taste it on his tongue.
The Ancient Yule of the Forest
By Ray E. Lipinski Morning twilight touched the beauty of the forest…
Oh Yuletide Log
By Amanda Pizzolatto Oh Yuletide log, oh Yuletide log, oh how brightly you are burning.
Shattered Mirror
Thus a broken boy with glassy gaze was spirited away to serve the fates of reason, with measurements just-so, a fairyland enchantment, robbed of soul.
Everyone Writes a Poem about the Winter Solstice
By Lawrence “Mack” Hall The moon is falling away from the full…
The Strange Gift
BY MICHAEL HALDAS It’s a special gift she told me. Make sure you treat it with great care.