Our news
The Victorious Godhead: Good Friday, the Annunciation, and the Inklings
BY CHRISTOPHER WOODS There is one recurrent theme in all these events that ties them together in a way: Death and Evil are passing, momentary things.
So Let It Be Written: A Movie Review of "The Ten Commandments"
BY AVELLINA BALESTRI DeMille was an expert at serving up a feast for the eyes, and this was his ultimate extravaganza of panache and panorama.
Shaping Destiny: The Importance of Men in Middle-Earth
BY EMERALD Have you noticed than when it comes to a company of mixed races, it’s normally the Men that are chosen to be the leaders?
Faery Lure
BY DONNA FERGUSON DUDLEY Passing, beneath three trees of Thorn, noticing, not, wreath snatched, and gone, only protection, from fae.
Where Does Love Reside?
BY MOON PRYDERI If love resides in the heart, how can we ever say that it outlives death and stays? I want my true love to dwell in a safer haven.
Stephen Fry's "Mean-Minded" God: Christianity, Suffering, and the Story of Easter
BY BENJAMIN FEARN A world without God would still have suffering and pain, only that kind of world wouldn’t have a rhyme or reason for it.
Aboard the Ark: An Author’s Voyage through Fantasy Storytelling
BY JOHN HELDON The core ideas start to shake my sleeves and nudge my fingers toward the keyboard. It’s time for me to ‘go’.
Gloriam Vidi Resurgentis: The Sudden Joyous Turn
THE HAPSBURG RESTORATIONIST In the Darkest hour, when all that is Good and Holy seems lost, there rises like a small flame, the Light of Hope.
He Is Risen!
BY AMANDA PIZZOLATTO He is risen, He is risen! Hallelujah, hallelujah! Come and bask in the glory of the King.
Sacrifice of the Sun
BY AVELLINA BALESTRI The stars stream forth, as tears, for the Sun goes forth to die. “Blow hard till the stars explode in molten flame.”
Cinderella’s Amazing Grace: The Christian Themes in Disney’s Live-Action Remake
BY ANNA TROTTA GITHENS Cinderella reveals that life is not about the possessions we have; it’s about who we are.
Queen of Priests, Mother of Sorrow: Our Lady’s Role in Holy Week
BY AMANDA PIZZOLATTO There, Simeon’s prophecy was fulfilled; Mary’s heart was pierced by a sword while her Son’s was pierced through by a lance.
The Sun Bows
BY RACHEL SCHMIDT The sun bows as paint vibrates across the canvas, creating a golden replication of its splendor.
Oh, White Lady: Faith as a Struggle
BY BRADLEY J. BIRZER Our Lady is the symbol of everything that is pure, true, good, and beautiful in this world.
Saint Patrick: A Scholarly Search for His Birth Place and Date
BY PATRICIA DEEGAN This is an article on the background of Saint Patrick rather than looking at his faith or his missionary work for the Irish.
From Slavery to Freedom: The Story of St. Patrick for Kids
BY SONYA BRITTON Patrick’s story was an amazing example of faith in adversity and of God’s salvation of one far from home and in slavery.
Penetrating the Clay: Lenten Devotions in the Christian Life
BY JAMES MICHAEL GILL Lent is a season when the dryness of daily life is transformed into a resurrection oasis.
St. Patrick's Day: A Holiday That Knows No Borders
BY WESLEY HUTCHINS In the United States, St. Patrick’s Day is not a federal holiday, but there nevertheless is a strong tradition of celebrating it.