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John Williams: My Five Top Themes
BY BENJAMIN FEARN He has composed some of the most iconic film scores, and his music is synonymous with the films that he has scored for.
Caspian’s Wife: A Chronicles of Narnia Story
BY AMANDA TKACZOW “Yes. I am King Peter’s daughter. I am the daughter of the man who was terribly angry for most of the duration of his last visit.”
Love in a Time of Tigers: A St. Valentine's Day Reflection
BY BRYANA JOY JOHNSON The Hero who overrides every storybook champion invites you to ride with Him ever after.
What is Love?
BY KAT CLEMENTS What is love? It is every love song you have ever heard wrapped in silver. It is the taste of amber fire on your tongue.
Poppy and Pomegranate
BY AMANDA PIZZOLATTO “Do you see now where hate takes you? Especially hate that has no reasoning for it, behind it?”
Love, Strength and Dignity: The Many Faces of Jane Eyre
BY KAT CLEMENTS Jane is, as she says, ‘poor, obscure, plain, and little.’ But she is full of heart, passion, and intelligence.
Cloud Children
BY BETHANY SHELDAHL “I was wrong! I thought cloud-children were better than humans, but Timothy has saved my life! And now he will die.”
Storytelling: A Ritual of Change
BY RACHEL SCHMIDT I expect, in a great story, for there to be something that stirs in me a sense of change- no matter how small or seemingly insignificant.
That Essential Link
BY DAN KELLY That essential link, the continuity of our kind, I experience it again, life, on-going, unbroken.
A God that Encircles: My Journey Through Celtic Christianity
BY MERCIA VAN DER VYVER To the Celtic Christian, God and Christ are everywhere, in and through, above and below all of creation.
All Things Permitted?: God, Immortality, and Morality
BY EFFIE DEANS Christian morality is the paradoxical unity of salvation by faith alone and salvation by means of good works.
A Friend in Need
BY DONNA FERGUSON DUDLEY Within a locked and ornate cage, a fairy sat in sorrow. The sorceress who locked her there, would come again tomorrow.
A Dream and a Journey: The Writing of “The Black Knight of Avalon Chronicles”
BY SUNBOW PENDRAGON The Black Knight travels the length and breadth of Britain, seeking out both highborn and common traitors.
The Duty of Stars: A Faerie Tale
BY RACHEL LIANNA HOLLAND “Age does not matter much to Stars. We burn on and on and we guard the light in the heavens.”
Magic Must Have a Meaning: Chesterton, Lewis & Tolkien in Elf-Land
BY JOSEPH PEARCE This ability of fairy stories to show us ourselves is dependent on our ability to see ourselves in the mirror that they hold up to us.
Come, My Love: An Analysis of Thomas Merton’s Mystical Poem "Pass Through My Will"
BY AVELLINA BALESTRI Poetry is a language often able to penetrate more deeply than prose into the nature of the divine as lover of the soul.
Handsome and the Hag: A Beauty and the Beast Retelling
BY KAT CLEMENTS “Do as you please,” she said. “Make yourself at home and do not attempt to open any locked doors.”
The Ring: A Lord of the Rings Poem
BY CATHERINE STEWART Imagine if a ring of gold could spin spells and tricks a hundredfold, starting in a forge of fire, tainted by one’s great desire.
Narnian Eyes: A Sonnet Sequence
BY AMANDA TKACZOW Someone who doesn’t exist? Ignorant remark! Faithless conjecture spoken brazenly.