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Evening – Palm Sunday
BY: LAWRENCE HALL A neighbouring cow looking beyond her fence, and honeybees buzzing to their night-cells hence, would not understand the penances of Lent.
The Hardy Boys: The Tower Treasure – Ch 12
BY AMANDA PIZZOLATTO Joe took a look at the note again. “Mom, how do you know it wasn’t Dad who wrote this?”
Crossing the Space Between – Chapter 13 – Enter Dr. Facilier
BY HANNAH SKIPPER “It’s Evie, it’s Evie! She’s here!” the Badum cousins shouted, stumbling over each other…
True Love Never Fails – Chapter 7
BY AMANDA PIZZOLATTO Gabriel led the remaining suitors to the stables. “Since you guys did an excellent job…”
Journey of Discovery Chapter 28 (A Kingdom Hearts Story)
Hidden Queen
Look into the poorest eyes, and find the hidden queen. This pool of liquid light reveals the depth of the Red Sea, and she will lead us through the waves, the first upon dry ground.
The Evolving Portrayal of Women in Disney
BY CARINA DEMONCEAUX Some of my favorite “princesses” were and still are Belle, Pocahontas, and Esmeralda.
The Hardy Boys: The Tower Treasure – Ch 11
BY AMANDA PIZZOLATTO Chet excitedly explained that he had found it in a ditch not far from his house. He had already called Chief Collig about it, and he said that the Hardys could have the first look at it after school. Joe whooped at the news and told Frank.
Crossing the Space Between – Chapter 12 – Escape From Pleasure Island
BY HANNAH SKIPPER Fairy Godmother quietly slipped out of the conference room and fled to her office…
True Love Never Fails – Chapter 6
BY AMANDA PIZZOLATTO After a while, Dominic was finished. He put the book down and was reaching for the next book…
Roots: Insights from the Tree Alphabet of Old Ireland: Aspen
BY OLIVIA WYLIE Aspen suckers readily, forming stands of many trunks connected by a single root system.
Journey of Discovery Chapter 27 (A Kingdom Hearts Story)
An Inkling of Humanity: Tolkien’s Catholic Novel
BY MARTINA JURIČKOVÁ Tolkien proudly admitted on various occasions that his Middle-earth stories were ‘fundamentally religious and Catholic’ in inspiration.
Broken Things: A Game of Thrones Story
BY AVELLINA BALESTRI “What…what would you…have me do, my lord?” Her voice shakes like the wind beyond the window. “How should I…please you?”
The Platonic Tree
BY: LAWRENCE HALL For a little child a tree is forever
The Hardy Boys: The Tower Treasure – Ch 10
BY AMANDA PIZZOLATTO Frank and Joe gathered the guys together during lunch to lay out the plans for that day. They made it perfectly clear that talking to Pretzel Pete was of the utmost importance, but so was keeping an eye on the Pollitt place.
Crossing the Space Between – Chapter 11- The Plot Thickens
BY HANNAH SKIPPER “Evie! Sophie!” Celia’s excited voice struck like a bolt of lightning…
True Love Never Fails – Chapter 5
BY AMANDA PIZZOLATTO Joseph laughed. “You’ll have to excuse his behavior, and, um, give him a second chance.”