
  • Surprise Float: A White Christmas Story

    SURPRISE FLOAT By Amanda Word count: 1122 Rating: G Summary: Phil and Judy have a surprise for Bob and Betty’s young son. (Featuring characters from the movie White Christmas) “When’s the parade going to start? It’s so cold!” I exclaim, shifting from one foot to the other. Mommy and Daddy had made me get up really…


  • The Enchanted Rose

    By Amanda Pizzolatto Word Count: 3331 Rating: G Summary: Queen Scheherazade has a mission for young Ananse, a hero in training, but can he complete it? “Uncle Remus! Aunt Nancy! I’m home!” called out Henry right before slamming the door behind him. A dark-skinned woman in her forties appeared around the corner. “Henry Charles Anderson! How…


  • As A Hobbit Dear: A Lord of the Rings Serial – Chapter 2: The Healing of Hurts

    BY AMANDA PIZZOLATTO “I thought I had lost you for good when you fainted there on Mount Doom. They, they weren’t sure if you were going to make it.”


  • Living for Old Stoney

    LIVING FOR OLD STONEY By Sarah Levesque Word count: 2366 Rating: PG Summary: An old man tells his great-grandson a war story. “C’mere son. I’m gonna tell you a story,” the old man said as he sat down in the rocking chair next to the boy. The boy looked up hopefully.


  • Christmas Presence

    “At Christmas time it’s sad to be away from so many of the people that I love.”


  • The Crossing of Christopher: A Golden Legend

    BY AVELLINA BALESTRI “Thou crossed me over to the other side,” Darrick heard him say, though his mouth did not move. “Now cross thou over to me.”


  • Last Sunday After Pentecost

    By Lawrence Hall Word Count: 124 Rating: G Summary: A poem of the triumph of the season of Advent over winter. A calling-crow-cold sky ceilings the world Lowering the horizon to itself, All silvery and grey upon the fields Of pale, exhausted, dry-corn-stalk summer. The earth is tired, the air is cold, the dawn False-promises…


  • Christmas in Cokeworth: A Harry Potter Serial – Chapter 8: The Snow It Melts the Soonest

    “Don’t be such a scardy-cat, Sev! You’ll do fine! Don’t worry…I’m good at this, and if you start to fall, I’ll catch you…”


  • The Enfield Report

    “He told us all about how sinners were going to Hell. I guess we all believed that already. Then he described it some and told us how the only thing keeping the wicked on this earth and out of Hell was God’s hand, and how He was getting so angry at them he’s liable to…


  • Hermione: A Harry Potter Poem

    BY ASHUTOSH JHA ASHUTOSH All the spells that hardly anyone remembered, they all were at your finger-tips. You’re so intelligent, you’re so bold.


  • When We Were Gone Astray: A Sense and Sensibility Story

    BY AVELLINA BALESTRI “She deserves you,” he admitted quietly. “You’re the very best sort of second best there is.”


  • That Arduous Love Affair: Sir John Betjeman and the Gift of Faith

    BY KARL GUSTEL WARNBERG Even though he failed at Divinity, his legacy has left us with undeniably rich insights into the gift of faith.


  • Cherry Blossom and Little Wolf: An Anime Story

    By Amanda Pizzolatto Word Count: 2479 Rating: G Summary: A fairy tale retold starring the characters from Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle. Sakura glanced at her father. “What do you mean, you made a deal with him?” Her father shrugged. “He seems like a nice fellow, he’s just as lonely as you are. I figured you could do…


  • Wishes: A Harry Potter Story

    BY ACONITUM-NAPELLUS She would look at her hands and wonder why her blood and her bones had been spared that freakish abnormality.


  • Tolkien and His Friends

    BY MARTINA JURICKOVA Through their art they wanted to “re-establish sanity, cleanliness, and the love of real and true beauty in everyone’s breast”.


  • As a Hobbit Dear: A Lord of the Rings Serial – Chapter 1: The End of All Things

    BY AMANDA PIZZOLATTO “You are not going to lose to this thing,” I said, “do you hear me? You are not going to lose. If you must, look at me as you let go.”


  • Why Do We Write?

    BY LAWRENCE “MACK” HALL If we build art in love, not for ourselves, but for all others, we live beyond all time.


  • One More Dance

    BY STUART S. LAING “Och lassie, dinnae fash yourself none about the whys and wherefores. You wanted to be eighteen again. Aye?


  • Finrod Finds Men: A Silmarillion Story

    By S. Dorman Word Count: 718 Rating: G Summary: A story set in Tolkien’s Silmarillion. ‘Twas in autumn on the borders of Beleriand when, astride his golden mount, came Finrod Felegund. He was parted from the hunters as they rode far in the land. Trees of the vale were as flames of gold, of crimson,…


  • False Spring

    By Lawrence Hall Word Count: Rating: G Summary: A poem about the “January thaw.” No spring is false when warm, sweet sunlight falls Upon the weathered field and woods and walls And frogs shake off the mud with much to sing While lizards leap and little bees take wing.   No spring is false when…