The Way of the Cross
BY LUIS GUTIERREZ The Cross is made of earth. It is the tree of duality. It is the tree of life. Each beam is one thing opposing another.
The Commission
BY BERNADETTE FLYNN “Ciao Gabriella,” I called, as I squeezed past the stack of blank canvasses blocking the doorway to the small office at the back of…
Narnia: Letters from Screwtape: Episode 7 – Lucy
Well, I have to say, I wasn’t totally surprised to receive your most recent update…
The Fifth Luminous Mystery
Passover. Romans patrol all the streets, And we are invited to a rented hall, And who paid for the…
I have spent the years of my existence, with a blood-induced persistence, in a strange New England of the soul…
Gargoyles: The Stones That Speak
BY EWAN MCTAVISH The name either comes from the French word for throat, or from the name of a famous dragon, the Gargouille.
Narnia: Letters from Screwtape: Episode 6 – Edmund
I must say, I was shocked when I received your latest update. How could you be doing…
Those Cursed Stones: A Frozen Story
BY HANNAH SKIPPER The little princesses sat on the floor of the palace’s great library, giggling and whispering among the floor to ceiling shelves of ancient and modern books, while their parents greeted foreign dignitaries.
Judge and Jury: The Complexity of History and the Human Condition
BY AVELLINA BALESTRI It is my heartfelt belief that history, and historical figures, are as inherently complex as the human condition itself.
Narnia: Letters from Screwtape: Episode 5 – Susan
I hope that you understand how disappointed I am over your little slip-up…
Precious Blood, Holy Grail: The History and Legends of the World’s Most Sacred Chalice
BY CHARLES A. COULOMBE To visit any of these shrines is to come face to face with the mystery at the heart of our religion.
Spring Drabbles
A collections of spring themed dabbles: Bridal Splendor, New Life, Spring Thaw, and Going Home.
If You Really Need to Remake: Stories Worthy of the Effort
BY AMANDA PIZZOLATTO So, with Hollywood getting into remaking movies yet again, here is a list of books that deserve a second chance at the silver screen.
The Knight’s Daughter
Once upon a time, there lived a knight who had three children. His two sons had already grown up and left their father’s castle to become…
The Passion of Now: Christ in a Chaotic World
BY AVELLINA BALESTRI We run around pell-mell, and then ask if the sky is falling. Well, maybe it will. Or maybe it already has.
Of Stone, Antler, and Bone: Traditional Brythonic Shamanism and the Deer Mother
BY BETH FLYNN Mother Deer patiently explained that it had been her time to die and go away for a time, but that no separation is permanent.
Stabat Mater Dolorosa
Weeping there, the Mother stands above the altar at Soledad, ebon-draped, inside that valley where…
Narnia: Letters from Screwtape: Episode 4 – Peter
I hope that you realize the kind of restraint that I’m showing as I write this letter…
Good People and Paradise: Is There Salvation Outside the Church?
In order to get to heaven, is it only necessary that we be a “good person”? This is a question that has been asked, and slapped down, within Christian rhetorical circles on a regular basis. But perhaps we are too quick to do the slapping and less keen on analyzing what goodness truly means, and…
Springtime Blues: A Crossover Story
BY AMANDA PIZZOLATTO “I wanted some flowers!” She sighed and backed away from the window. “Well, Pascal, I guess you can head back to bed if you want.”