Circular Horizon – Chapter 2
BY BOKERAH BRUMLEY “You know, the data was interesting this time. I think there might be unidentified metals in the recovered asteroids.”
Four Poets: A Commentary on Muslim and Christian Spiritual Themes in Literature
BY SHEIKH MUHAMMAD AMIN-EVANS She has stepped out on the spiritual journey into the lonely space between content fear and yearning love.
Lost: A Lord of the Rings Story
Lost. Another friend lost. Another hole punched through his heart. There were days, like today, when his fea felt like a spider’s web…
Are you a Plotter or a Pantser?: A Writer’s Comparison
BY BETH FLYNN Are you a plotter or a pantser? As writers, we all inevitably fit into either of the above categories.
Merida was a bit taken back, not just by the strangeness of his entrance, but also by the intent gaze of his green eyes.
Return of the Wild Ones
BY RACHEL SCHMIDT Stained in shades of bloody red and orange rust. The leaves drift down silently, beneath the squall of crows.
Beebo and the Bunny: A Lord of the Rings Story
BY VANESSA PARRY “You have to be very quiet or you will scare Bertie bunny away. Bunnies are very scared of people.”
Here Be Dragons: From History to Heraldry
BY NICK O’CONNOR From heraldic emblems to corporate logos, dragons are everywhere we look, and some of our legends are based on fact – believe it or not.
Slip in Time: Chapter 11
BY CHRIS S. (ALIAS WEREWOLFKING350) No one knows yet, but I’m the new Slytherin seeker,” Harry whispered…
The Best Robe – A Star Trek Story: Chapter 11
Albix took Grace by the hand. “Father’s giving your captain a tour of our orchard today so he can see the manufacturing process for breesin. Want to come along? I can show you some of the places I used to play as a boy.”
Circular Horizon – Chapter 1
BY BOKERAH BRUMLEY “Expectation to Grandma Mars,” Michael Philip McNair quipped. “Headed home. Don’t lock the door. I might be a bit past curfew.”
Eumaeon the Egyptian
“Oh. Then…you must be Eumaeon the Egyptian. I’m sorry, sir, I just asked Lycus which cell Eumaeon was in and –” The boy’s spluttered apology went unheard.
As A Pebble – A Short Nature Meditation
BY BETH FLYNN I lie as a pebble on the bed of a lake, watching the sky as morning breaks before my eyes, bringing swooping swallows in its wake.
My Journey with C.S. Lewis and Friends
BY AVELLINA BALESTRI My mind’s eye sees Lewis gazing at me from across the years, saying “And that, my dear, is what it’s all about.”
Saint Hubert’s Hunt
BY AVELLINA BALESTRI O paradox divine, of sweetest flesh and strongest blood, we are chasing thee, o stag, and running from thee, o hound.
Tolkien and Reality
BY CHARLES A. COULOMBE Indeed, his history of Middle Earth has many motifs that might have been lifted from various chapters of real European history, and recast.
Bell’s Table
“I must admit that I wondered whether it would be safe to move Frodo.”
My Miracle Story
BY PAUL NIXON As I spoke to him in the car that day, I broke down in tears and begged him to please help me.
Call of Herne
BY RACHEL SCHMIDT To feel the pulse, the forest’s charm, that pounding, that burning, the hunters’ drums.