Man in the Moon
“The Man in the Moon is smiling tonight His duty is his joy, to take his place Within the celestial liturgy…”
The Battle for a Man’s Heart: Chapter 5
“The Ape, the Ape!” her voice was frantic. “I saw him—just now—outside my window, in the trees—I have to get—”
Sun, Sky & Moon Chronicles Chapter 1: Loving Mother
“The super-human and enhanced kids like me are nice, even behind my back. They treat everyone else really bad, though. They’re mean, and daddy told me not to be friends with mean people.”
I Was Wrong and Nothing Cracked
“I was wrong and nothing cracked but every moment moves away from the sharpest watershed for you.”
Roots: Commonality of Folk Tales
BY NICK O’CONNOR Dr Tehrani found that the variants of the folk tale shared a common ancestor that dated back more than 3000 years.
Lost Time: Chapter 15
She looks at each one of them in turn and still not believing her eyes. In a way, they still look the same; yes, she sees grown-up adults but somehow she still sees the little children they used to be. She is looking at their faces and still seeing behind these faces the faces of…
The Wild Hunt: An Exploration of Its Origins in European Folklore
BY NICK O’CONNOR Across Europe, the Wild Hunt appeared at various times of the year, but most commonly over Samhain or Yule.
Hussain at Karbala
BY AVELLINA BALESTRI So I wander the sands, smeared crimson o’er gold; the blood of my house runs red as the dusk.
Space Portal: A Review of the Stargate Series
BY E. KAISER WRITES The Stargate series is a fun, fairly family-friendly, excellently speculative run of sci-fi that hits the spot an almost all cylinders.
Prayer for Peace
BY TIMOTHY MATHER May I always live by these directions, so as to bring heaven down to earth and bring greater peace to this world.
Riddles and Resolutions: A Game of Thrones Story
BY VIOLET JAMES “Blood…a child…and a promise. Her child. His promise. She made my father promise.”
Penguins and Oxford Blues
Poor sailors and poor students parse the past Between the paper covers of poor Penguins Poor crumbling pages and crumbling civilizations Held together with rubber bands and Scotch tape…
Battle for a Man’s Heart: Chapter 4
“Well, luckily for you, I’m not escorting you—I’m taking Gawain horseback riding. He’s with Lord Highland now, so I’m walking down there to catch him before he heads off somewhere.”
A Paean to Dabblers
Oh, yes, you should dabble amateurishly With sketchbook, pen, guitar, and crescent wrench With telescope and hiking boots and love With verse that scans and prose that strongly speaks…
Seeking Permanency in Perishable Things: An Analysis of The Epic of Gilgamesh
BY ANNA RAJAGOPAL The Epic of Gilgamesh is the story of a remarkable but oppressive ruler who is fated for distress.
Lost Time: Chapter 14
“They are good, good children and as we taught them since they were little to be open to God’s call for their life and be open to His will, two of them are considering the religious vocation while the other two are happily married with children of their own, the little one is still in…
Let Imagination Be Your Guide: The Challenges and Possibilities of Fantasy Writing
BY KAT CLEMENTS A lot goes into making a self-consistent world that will engage readers fully and suspend their disbelief.
Dreams: A Lord of the Rings Story
BY VANESSA PARRY “But . . . why would I dream of such a battle, and so different from the one you always described.”
Luna’s Dilemma: A Harry Potter Story
“He seemed most eager to accompany me wrackspurt-hunting, but even with my Spectrespecs he can’t see them. If the wrackspurts don’t trust him, how can I?”