Pontius Pilate’s Pleynt
BY LAWRENCE “MACK” HALL My Caesar’s honour only have I sought, while sparing for myself but few rewards. I built with focused care my resume.
Waking Up: A Lord of the Rings Story
The ale had dulled even the ever-present ache in his shoulder and there were no impossible tasks looming on the horizon.
Thoughts on Lent and Letting Go
BY MERCIA VAN DER VYVER I do not know who God is, and emptying myself of those deeply ingrained god-images is perhaps my way of acknowledging that.
The Jeweler’s Apprentice: Chapter 23
BY E. KAISER WRITES “Olayin House is too far away, we’re going somewhere closer. It’s not far now, keep moving!”
Burnt: A Harry Potter Serial- Chapter 34: I Want to Try
““I don’t know, Singe. Perhaps you only want to hear me? Perhaps it’s a side effect of that spell that Dumbledore used? I don’t know. What I do think is that your ability to read lips–even before being adopted–is nigh impossible without the use of some other gift. Yes, I do mean gift. Most practitioners…
Judah Meets Baby
“Maybe you should get him a dog,” Israel suggests, grinning as he watches our baby stroking his pet.
Concerning the Irish Sidhe Faeries
‘Tis said, that Irish Faeries, (Sidhe) have ideas, how mankind should be, And woe betide the human who, does not do, as expected to!
Coming Back to the Meeting Between Shams and Rumi
BY YA’QUB IBN YUSUF The one who asks the question prepares the ground for the one who’s going to answer, to go beyond his limitations.
All Things Visible and Invisible: Chapter 1
BY ARTHUR POWERS Her glance said “You see. He does have ideas,” as though to justify why she had married Duca in the first place.
A Trout Supper: A Lord of the Rings Story
Like the river, summer rolled by but Frodo could be neither enticed nor cajoled into the waters of the Brandywine.
The Hajj: My Reflections and Revelations
BY ARUSHA AFSAR We just knew we were all there for one reason and that was the sheer love of our creator and sustainer.
Third Time the Charm
They tracked Tsnua as he brought his delegation around their position and towards the massed Novarites opposite, clearly heading for the Supreme Prophet.
White Harp
BY RONNIE SMITH Paradise made a white harp of the world, pole-to-pole arcs the cold ages, rippling meridians.
Vayeshev: Heaven and Hell from a Jewish Perspective
BY YOSEF SEREBRYANSKI We have reached an age when it is critical to understand that it is incumbent upon mankind to explore and learn.
Awen: The Three Rays of Light
BY RACHEL SCHMIDT Awen, the Three Rays of Light Divine radiance shines in all beings. Hear it, see it, feel its presence.
Jihad In Islam: What Is The Meaning Of It?
BY KATIE QUIRK It isn’t jihad in war that’s the best form of jihad. It’s jihad by telling the truth. It’s fighting evil through one’s words rather than through violence.
The Jeweler’s Apprentice: Chapter 22
BY E. KAISER WRITES “Her eyes drifted up towards the sky a hundred times a day, at the slow but purposeful gathering of angry clouds.”
Burnt: A Harry Potter Serial: Chapter 33: Dumbledore’s Day in Court
““Harry Potter. Parents murdered in front of him when he was a just a babe. He was already set up to be a powerful wizard. Gellert and I theorized that a child with the correct background could be coaxed into being even more unbalanced with the use of subtle prompting.””
Ramandu’s Island: A Chronicles of Narnia Poem
BY LAWRENCE “MACK” HALL Long-fallen stars and quarrelling lords must wait for seasons upon seasons to pass in flight.