Captured from Bondage: A Christian Reflection on Following God
BY KETURAH LAMB Following God is simple, and it’s complex. It’s easy. It’s hard. It’s all about relationship.
The Outburst
BY JACINTA BOUDREAU No matter how plain, or successful in life, all are called to the feast, by the Father, through Christ.
The Minstrel and the Apple: A Story of Avalon and Robin Hood
BY T.K. WILSON “Father promised me his lands when I turned eighteen and my own choice of husband! Both are mine as of tomorrow morning!”
My Favorite Things
Traditions of old and the Blessed Virgin Mary Flowers and trees and a pretty pixie fairy Christmas carols that make me dance and sing These are a few of my favorite things
Journey Through Roses and Thorns: The Mysteries of the Rosary and The Lord of the Rings
BY AMANDA PIZZOLATTO You can say that it is basically the Bible, but the Rosary only focuses on certain events in the lives of Jesus and Mary, not all of them.
The Jeweler’s Apprentice: Chapter 19
BY E. KAISER WRITES “Murdering little thieves! Leave me be, I tell you! Give me back what belongs to me!”
Burnt: A Harry Potter Serial- Chapter 30: Home Sweet Hole
“‘WE MISSED YOU AT DINNER,’ Said the first message. It made him snort and stomp his foot in amusement. His sudden change in behaviour caused Baby to try to move upward, but he swiftly caught her hind leg and pulled her back down to safety.”
Artistic Excellence: A Catholic’s Reflection on Islam in the Arts
BY AVELLINA BALESTRI Islam, I think, would express this interaction between God and Man as a striving for “excellence”.
“I Have a Dream”: The Fifty Year Legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.
BY MICAHEL GOTH Martin Luther King Jr. was certainly not the only person fighting for equal rights, but was certainly one of the most vocal.
Stranded on the Pennsylvania Turnpike: A March for Life Adventure
BY ELIZABETH TROUP Everyone had such joyful attitudes and we prayed rosaries and morning and evening prayer.
Shattered Hearts: An Avengers Story
“I do not know what I’m capable of. I wanted to protect everyone. I wanted to protect Tony… I wanted to protect you.”
The Ikon Corner
Ikons are windows to another World Of Theos and Theotokos, of our saints Some as merry as yet are others stern While forming from the prayerful writer’s hand…
An Apology of an Apology: An Overview of the Catholic Stance on Marriage
BY SARAH LEVESQUE The conjugal view of marriage is the union of a man and a woman, who give themselves to each other completely.
Holbein’s Portrait of Saint Thomas More In an Aural Halo of Electronic Pings from Rental Earphones
The (beep) painting (beep) dates (beep, beep) from (beep) Holbein’s (beep) first (beep) visit (beep) to (beep) England (beep)
Soldier’s Eid
BY KASHIF QAIMI While observing my area of responsibility, I start to think about my family, especially my 3-month-old son, Hassan.
What Christmas Means to Me
But the most important by far Isn’t a shiny phone or a new car It’s the scene of the Nativity That’s what Christmas means to me
Christ Has No Body: A Reflection on Seeing God in All Things
BY AVELLINA BALESTRI There is a Jesuit maxim which all true Christians would do well to take to heart: ‘God in all things.’
Passage of Light: A Reflection of the Abrahamic Traditions of the Middle East
BY AVELLINA BALESTRI Perhaps this is also where we inherit our passionate natures and strong wills, our fierce fervor and dedicated devotion.
Holly And Mistletoe
The holly and the mistletoe Are both well known by sight So similar in the way they grow But one is red and one is white