The Priest’s Passion
By Father Gerard Hatton As we delve under the substance, to explore the priest’s work, we find a Christ-centred priesthood.
The Philosophy of Dostoevsky Chapter 10: Grand Inquisitor (Part 5)
BY EFFIE DEANS Impressions of Dostoevsky’s work and themes
A Legendary Queen: Part 2 – Chapter Eighteen: Terebinthian Royalty
BY AMANDA TKACZOW “You, Daddy, and I are going to meet some people who are going to visit Narnia. Now, please sit down so I can get your shoes on.”
Tolkien Before Jackson: A Look at Early Adaptations Part 7
BY G. CONNOR SALTER A look back at adaptations of J.R.R. Tolkien’s work that you forgot about.
A Protestant Pilgrimage: Reflections on King William of Orange
By John Lindsay Some personal thoughts and reflections on the life of King William of Orange.
The Philosophy of Dostoevsky Chapter 10: Grand Inquisitor (Part 4)
BY EFFIE DEANS Impressions of Dostoevsky’s work and themes
A Legendary Queen: Part 2 – Chapter Seventeen: Time
BY AMANDA TKACZOW I looked up from my writing to see Petra, one the youngest of Famina and Shream’s six pups
Tolkien Before Jackson: A Look at Early Adaptations Part 6
BY G. CONNOR SALTER A look back at adaptations of J.R.R. Tolkien’s work that you forgot about.
The King’s Good Servant
By Leah Fisher “I think my lord may find that in the case of our Lord, it is we who throw our crowns before Him,”
The Philosophy of Dostoevsky Chapter 10: Grand Inquisitor (Part 3)
BY EFFIE DEANS Impressions of Dostoevsky’s themes and work
A Legendary Queen: Part 2 – Chapter Sixteen: Serious Condition
BY AMANDA TKACZOW I woke up to a queasy sensation for the tenth night in a row.
Tolkien Before Jackson: A Look at Early Adaptations Part 5
BY G. CONNOR SALTER A look back at adaptations of J.R.R. Tolkien’s work that you forgot about.
Remember: On the Cultus of Charles I
By Sean Earner. As we pass the 375th anniversary of Charles I’s death, Sean Earner considers whether this unpopular monarch has lessons for us today.
The Philosophy of Dostoevsky Chapter 10: Grand Inquisitor (Part 2)
BY EFFIE DEANS Impressions of Dostoevsky’s themes and work
A Legendary Queen: Part 2 – Chapter Fifteen: Pups
BY AMANDA TKACZOW I woke to the sound of Amesh’s gentle snoring.
Tolkien Before Jackson: A Look at Early Adaptations Part 4
BY G. CONNOR SALTER A look back at adaptations of J.R.R. Tolkien’s work that you forgot about.
“Now Come the Days of the King!”: Aragorn as a Figure of Christ the King in the Lord of the Rings
By Thomas J. McIntyre Christ the king imagery abounds in Lord of the Rings.
A Legendary Queen: Part 2 – Chapter Fourteen: Wedding
BY AMANDA TKACZOW The castle was buzzing with excitement and people hurrying to get everything finished.
The Philosophy of Dostoevsky Chapter 10: Grand Inquisitor (Part 1)
BY EFFIE DEANS Impressions of Dostoevsky’s themes and work
Tolkien Before Jackson: A Look at Early Adaptations Part 3
BY G. CONNOR SALTER A look back at adaptations of J.R.R. Tolkien’s work that you forgot about.