By Amanda Pizzolatto
Word Count: 6304
Rating: PG (for some dangerous scenarios)
Summary: A young peasant girl meets a handsome prince and learns a secret about her family.
“Roselle, could you go get some juniberries for the table tonight?”
“Of course, Aunt Trigel! Is something special happening tonight?” asked Roselle as she fiddled with her white hair. She had an idea of what it was, but, she didn’t want to spoil the fun for her aunt and uncles.
“Oh, I don’t know. Grigan just wanted to fix something extra special tonight and wanted everything to look spectacular,” replied Trigel with a shrug.
Roselle had to admit, as she stifled a giggle, Aunt Trigel was really trying hard not to give it away. “Well, alright Aunt Trigel, if Uncle Grigan insists. Where’s Uncle Blaytz?”
Trigel shrugged again. “Who knows with him? Maybe Grigan sent him into town for some ingredients. Grigan just told me to ask you to get some juniberries and for me to start cleaning up the dining room and polish the silverware,” replied Trigel with a groan.
Roselle chuckled nervously. “I see. Well, I’ll make it quick so I can hurry back and help you, Aunt Trigel!”
“Oh, would you? Thank you! You are such a darling!” exclaimed Trigel as she gave Roselle a quick hug.
“No problem, Aunt Trigel, I’ll be back in a jiffy!” With a wave of her hand, Roselle rushed out the door, grabbing a basket and her cloak on the way out.
But no sooner had the door closed behind Roselle than Trigel’s face fell as she walked back into the kitchen.
“Sixteen years, Grigan, can you believe it?” she asked as Grigan chopped vegetables in an expert whirl.
He paused in his chopping as he shot Trigel a sad look. “Yes, and tonight she won’t be our little Roselle anymore, but Princess Allura.”
“I know; it will come as quite a shock to her.”
“I just hope Blaytz gets back here with the dress before she does,” said Grigan with a sigh before resuming his chopping. Trigel merely nodded before turning to the dining room, itching to get started doing something or else the tears would fall.
Meanwhile, knowing quite well it was her sixteenth birthday, but completely unaware not only of the fact that they were to bring her to her parents that night, but also that she was a princess, Roselle hummed a little ditty as she went around the forest picking juniberries, her favorite flower. The forest animals, particularly the mice, the only friends she had ever had, rushed under her feet, scurrying from one juniberry to another.
“Well, I think that’s enough juniberries for now, don’t you think?” One of the mice squeaked at her.
“No, I won’t be going back, not yet. They have this whole surprise birthday party planned for me, and I don’t want to ruin the fun!” The mice squeaked as she walked over to a river and sat down on its bank. She took her shoes off and dipped her feet into the water. “Besides, Uncle Blaytz needs more time to return with my birthday present. That’s one gift that will really be a surprise.” The mice squeaked again. “Well, of course he needs more time, you know how he gets with the ladies in the market.” The mice snickered, mimicking her. “But, out of everything I want for my birthday, I’d really like some friends my own age. Don’t get me wrong, I love Aunt Trigel, Uncle Blaytz, and Uncle Grigan dearly, but, I’d like to be able to talk to a few people closer to my age. Just to meet new people, period! My books are full of them, I just wish I could meet someone for real.”
“Whoa!” echoed a voice.
Roselle and the animals jumped up from the river bank and dashed behind some bushes, just as a greyish blue hippogriff and rider came bounding into the river, the hippogriff unceremoniously dumping its rider into the water, creating quite the wave.
“Shiro!” called out another voice as a second rider on a black hippogriff came into view. The rider dismounted and rushed to Shiro’s side. “Shiro! Are you alright?”
Roselle blinked as she felt her heart flutter; the second rider was rather cute, with his dark hair and eyes.
Shiro let out a laugh. “I’m fine, Keith, no broken bones or anything. Just soaking wet, and maybe my pride got a little hurt, but nothing major.”
Keith let out a sigh. “Well, good, then I wouldn’t be able to do this.” He punched Shiro’s left arm.
“You were following me, weren’t you?”
“Uh, we kind of all were,” came another voice as four more people showed up, three boys and one girl.
“Hunk! Now why’d you go and tell him that?’ asked another boy.
“What? He would have figured it out. He’s not exactly stupid, Lance.”
“His dad has us follow him practically everywhere,” mumbled the third fellow.
“Yeah, just remind me why Katie has to come again?” asked Lance.
Katie shot him a scowl. “And what’s wrong with me coming? If it weren’t for me, you’d have lost him already.”
“Back off, Lance, this is my sister.”
“Alright, Matt, Lance, you two knock it off,” said Shiro.
“Then tell Lance he needs to stop belittling my sister or hitting on her; he can’t do both,” grumbled Matt as he crossed his arms.
Shiro let out a sigh as he turned to Keith. “Point is . . .”
“I know, I know, Dad wants me to meet still-missing Princess Allura, my betrothed. What’s the point of this again? She hasn’t been seen in the past sixteen years!”
“Hey, you were the one who said you couldn’t marry a girl you had never met, and had never known. So, Dad figured you should go and meet her.”
Keith let out a sigh as the anger in his face subsided, though his arms were crossed. “Oh, fine. I’ll, I’ll go, but, but can I at least stay here in the countryside for a little while longer? It’s, it’s kind of pretty here.”
Shiro smiled at him. “You see? Maybe becoming the king of Altea might not be such a bad thing after all.” Shiro patted him on his back before walking towards his hippogriff and climbing on.
“Are you sure we can trust him to get to the castle?” asked Lance.
“More so than we can trust you,” quipped Matt. Lance shot him a glare.
“Come on you four, let’s get to the castle for now. If Keith doesn’t show up by dusk, I’ll come look for him myself, and he’s not going to like it.” Shiro shot Keith an ‘I mean it’ glance. Keith just nodded in reply before walking back towards his hippogriff and climbing on it.
The whole time, Roselle watched, mesmerized, from the bushes and kept wanting to reveal her presence, but it didn’t seem like an appropriate moment, even as she watched Keith’s friends and brother ride away towards the castle. She also did her best to keep from bouncing up and down; she was looking at two handsome princes and their paladins! Like straight out of one of her fairy tales! And the prince she thought was the cutest was betrothed to the Princess Allura! Though he did have a point, she had not been seen for the past sixteen years, why would tonight be any different? Did King Alfor know where she was and that she would be returning to him that night? She sympathized with him some though; having to marry a princess he had never met was a bit wrong.
“You can come out now,” said Keith as he sat down on the river bank, his hippogriff tethered to a nearby tree. Roselle blinked; did he mean her? “Come, on I won’t hit you, I promise. That was just for my brother. I know he means well, but he also needs to stop following my father’s orders to the letter if he wants me to become the leader he sees in me.”
Roselle slowly stood up, Keith’s dark eyes looking straight at her. But she noticed he did a double take. Was there something the matter with her looks? Maybe there were leaves in her hair. She ran her fingers through her hair, but found nothing, just Keith’s eyes focused on her in a strange way.
“Well, um, hello,” he said softly. The change in his voice gave Roselle the courage to speak.
“Well, hello yourself, your majesty.” She quickly gave a curtsy. She glanced back up at him; he was smiling.
“I’ll admit, you weren’t exactly what I was expecting,” he stated, tilting his head a bit. “What are you doing out here?” he asked. But then he noticed her basket. “Ah, gathering juniberries for your table?”
“Yes, today’s my sixteenth birthday,” replied Roselle with a smile.
“Well, happy birthday. Sorry about the drama you saw; hope it didn’t spoil your birthday.”
“Not at all. If you don’t mind my saying so, it actually made it better!” Keith’s eyebrow went up questioningly. Roselle blushed slightly. “You see, right before your brother, Prince Shiro, fell into the river, I was wishing to meet some people.”
“You don’t get out much, huh?”
“Not really, at least not to accompany my Uncle Blaytz on his trips to market. Besides him, Uncle Grigan, and Aunt Trigel, I never see anyone.”
“That, that sounds rather lonely,” muttered Keith. He motioned her forward. “Why don’t you take a seat? I’m sorry we interrupted your wish-making.”
Roselle gave a little chuckle as she sat down next to him. “You’re fine, you were just the answer to my wish, that’s all.”
“And I’m sorry I sent the others away; they can get annoying sometimes, but they’re a great bunch.”
“I bet. So, you’re going to be king of Altea one day, huh?”
Keith let out a sigh. “Yes, don’t remind me.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault; I guess it comes with being a prince, and having a father whose best friend just so happens to be King Alfor. They’ve been planning this since King Alfor’s daughter Allura was born, apparently. I was barely two at the time, so I have no memory of meeting her for the first time back then.”
Roselle snorted. “I wouldn’t exactly expect you to.”
Keith laughed. “So, what’s it like being a peasant?”
“Um, alright, I guess. I mean, I think I’m one of the lucky ones. I always have food on the table, clothes to wear, books to read…”
Keith blinked in surprise. “Books? You really are lucky. You’re practically the daughter of a paladin or something; not many peasants have books. Trust me, I’ve heard enough complaints from them to know that, at least.”
“Really? Wow. Well, I don’t know whose daughter I am; I mean, my aunt and uncles won’t tell me anything about them. I’ve just about given up asking them. Maybe, now that I’m sixteen, they’ll tell me.”
“I hope so; they should, you kind of need to know that. So that way, you know who you are and where you can go.”
“Exactly, and I really want to know, just to know who my parents were. Did they leave a legacy that I have to keep or protect? What did they do? Why am I here? Things like that.”
“Of course, it’s only natural that you should ask those questions, and more. You never knew them, so you want as much information as you can get.”
Roselle smiled. “Well, thanks for understanding.”
“Not at all. I’d do the same if I was in your position. But enough of that. Why don’t you tell me more about yourself?”
Roselle brightened at Prince Keith’s question and the two talked for hours, there by the river. When she walked home, she had the brightest smile and the dreamiest look on her face. Prince Keith had to leave, it was only a couple of hours until dusk, and he’d promised to be at the castle by then. But, he gave her a kiss on the cheek since he had nothing else to give her for her birthday, and as thanks for getting to know him and letting him rant. She also knew that it had given her aunt and uncle plenty of time to get the house prepared for her surprise birthday. Her eyes widened; she had promised to be back soon enough to help Aunt Trigel with cleaning and polishing silverware! She made a mad dash towards the cottage.
“Aunt Trigel! I am so sorry! I completely forgot . . .”
“Surprise! Happy Birthday!” shouted the three as they jumped up from under the dining table.
Roselle gasped; there, sitting on the table was the most exquisite three-tiered cake decorated with sugary juniberries and roses, and a most gorgeous dress was draped over her chair. It was pink and blue with golden juniberries and roses embroidered into the bodice and sleeves.
“Oh. Oh! Oh! It’s so beautiful! Thank you!” she exclaimed as she kissed each on their cheek. “Where did you get this? How did you get this?” she asked as she ran her fingers over the fabric of the dress. The three glanced at each other sadly and let out sighs. “What?”
“We’re sorry, Roselle . . .” began Trigel.
“We should have told you earlier, but we just didn’t know how,” finished Grigan.
“My, my parents?” Roselle asked. The three nodded.
Blaytz let out a breath. “Your parents . . . are still alive.”
“Wait, what are you saying?”
“We brought you here to keep you safe, Roselle. Your life was threatened when you were a baby, so your father had us take you here and raise you until you were old enough . . .”
“And ready,” pointed out Grigan.
“To return.” finished Blaytz.
“So . . .”
“So, we’re bringing you to them, tonight,” said Trigel.
“But, who are they?”
The three glanced at each other before Blaytz let out a breath. “That’s the other thing. Your name isn’t Roselle; you’re Princess Allura, King Alfor’s daughter.”
At the castle, King Alfor wasn’t the only person anxious for his daughter’s return. Keith was worried that he might not even like her after all, and said so to Shiro.
“Well, you’re just going to have to pretend to like her, if that’s the case,” stated Shiro. Keith merely shot him a glare. “You’re not really helping,” he grumbled.
“Sorry, but I’m trying.”
“I’ll give you that.”
“So, are you going to tell me exactly what’s on your mind? What happened after we left you in the forest? You keep avoiding it; don’t try to pull the wool over my eyes, Keith. I know when you’re trying to hide something. I haven’t been your brother this long without being able to tell.”
Keith let out a sigh. Should he tell him? Though, if it had to be between telling Shiro or their father, it would be Shiro. “I . . . I met a peasant girl and we, we talked, a lot.”
“Oh,” muttered Shiro. “So, it’s not that you might not like the Princess, it’s that you might like this peasant girl too much?” Keith nodded. “Oh, well, I’ll try to help you however I can with that, Keith, but you might have to handle it yourself.”
“I know.”
A trumpet rang out.
“What’s that for? I thought the Princess wasn’t due until close to midnight?”
“Oh, right, you weren’t here when they made the announcement. King Alfor is going to explain everything to us.”
“Really? Well, that’s good to know. At least one mystery will be solved.”
“No kidding. Come on, I don’t know about you, but I’m curious to what King Alfor knows about his daughter’s disappearance.”
“Me too. Let’s go.”
The two dashed down the castle halls, ending up in the throne room where many others had already gathered, Keith’s and Shiro’s paladins among them. Keith and Shiro were allowed to get closer to the throne when King Alfor appeared. Keith had never seen him before and sucked in his breath, he looked almost exactly like Roselle! Could it be?
“Thank you all for coming today to celebrate not only the return of my beautiful daughter, but also her sixteenth birthday!”
A cheer went up, but Keith began to panic. It was Roselle’s birthday too! This was becoming too eerie.
“I would like to tell you all a story. Many years ago, at my daughter’s christening, I had in fact invited many of you. You may not remember the details, but not long after my daughter was named, the witch, Haggar, appeared and revealed that the day my daughter turned sixteen she was to prick her finger on a spinning wheel, and die!” Gasps resounded in the hall as Keith put two and two together. “One of my paladins was able to lessen the curse and state that she would not die, but sleep for ten thousand years or until true love’s kiss, whichever comes first. But I thought it best to send her away, to keep her safe until the day of her sixteenth birthday was past. As soon as the sun sets, my daughter will not have to fear that witch’s curse anymore!”
Keith’s hand shot up.
“Ah, yes, Prince Keith, her betrothed! What is it, my boy?”
“Wouldn’t Witch Haggar try to find her before the day is out?”
“Quite possibly, as she has been doing these past sixteen years. The fact that she hasn’t found her yet means she was hidden well. So well that she was practically under Haggar’s nose this entire time. She has not left the country; she’s not even a day’s ride from the castle.” Keith gulped; he didn’t want to risk the witch finding her, now that he suspected the king to be Roselle’s father. No, not Roselle, Allura.
“Now my friends, we feast! Soon the princess, my dear daughter, shall be among us again!”
Everyone, including Hunk, as Keith knew, wandered towards the table where piles of food were waiting to be eaten. But Keith’s eye was caught by a dark figure leaving the room.
“Keith, where are you going?” asked Shiro as he followed his brother not to the table, but to the door.
“You know that peasant girl I was telling you about?”
“Wait, you can’t exactly walk out on the Princess now . . .”
“No, I’m beginning to think she is the Princess.”
Keith pulled him close and whispered, “She has the exact same hair color and skin color as King Alfor. Her sixteenth birthday is today, and she has no clue who her parents are. If she is living with her father’s paladins acting as her aunt and uncles, then she may be fine, but I’m not going to take a chance. I just saw a figure leaving the castle, and if that was Haggar or someone working for Hagger, then King Alfor just gave away his daughter’s location. I’m going to make sure she gets back here safely, and I’m leaving now.” With that, Keith rushed out of the castle.
Shiro stood there stunned for a moment before recollecting himself and calling Matt and Lance to him. “We need to go after Keith, now.”
“Again? When will he ever stop?” whined Lance before shooting a wink at a lovely lady walking past.
“This time, he has reason to believe that he met the princess in the forest, and that someone working for Haggar just overheard the king give away his daughter’s location. He’s gone to make sure that she gets here safely. I think we should follow and make sure they both get back safely. Now let’s go!”
But by the time they got out to the stalls, Keith had already gotten a pretty good head start. The three didn’t waste any time, saddled their hippogriffs, and took off after the youngest prince. The pieces were set into motion, as it was someone working for Haggar who had left the castle and reported immediately to her. By then, Roselle, or Allura, had gotten over her initial shock, not just about being the princess, but also that she was betrothed to the cute Prince Keith, though that seemed more of a shock that she had met and gotten to know her betrothed before they really knew they were betrothed to each other.
The three paladins of King Alfor were escorting her to the castle, taking the side roads through the forest, though the ones closest to the main road, in case they ever needed aid. But help rode right past them as Keith tore through the forest on his steed, passing them as they entered into a spot on the trail that made them invisible to the main road. Sometime later, Shiro, Matt, and Lance rode past too, but as they had no idea what Allura looked like, they paid no attention to the four on the side of the road and kept their focus on Keith. Haggar was soon making her way towards the castle as well, a soft cackling emanating from her throat. Alfor was a fool; the curse would be rendered obsolete at midnight, giving her enough time to put her plan into action and give her husband the kingdom he wanted, finally.
Allura sat down in the chair at the vanity in her new room. Alone, she had time to think. still in shock over the events of the whole day. She was a princess, the Princess Allura? What was her father like? She met her betrothed and was falling in love with him? What did he think of her? Would he like her once he found out? And the curse, the curse that the Witch Haggar placed on her when she was an infant, but that Trigel was able to lessen. Why did the witch want her dead? Blaytz suggested that it had to do with her being the heir to Altea, a country that Haggar’s husband Zarkon had wanted for a long time, but was reluctant to go to war with Alfor, knowing that Alfor was the better strategist and had the better army. But, was that really it? She let out a breath. She really needed to stop mulling over everything; she had no idea what lay ahead of her! But one thing was certain, she would get to know so many wonderful new people! She especially couldn’t wait to get to know Keith’s paladins, particularly Katie. Allura felt her heart fluttering again as thought of Keith and set her head down on the vanity with a romantic sigh. His smile, his laugh, the softness in his voice when he spoke to her.
“Allura?” came the soft echo of a voice.
“Keith?” asked Allura, rising from her chair in excitement. Had he realized who she was?
“Allura,” came the answer. “Allura.” That was definitely his voice.
“Keith!” She started to move towards the spot where the voice was coming from and paused; should she tell the paladins? She shook her head; she hadn’t even told them that she already met Keith, that she knew she was betrothed to him, and that she was already falling in love.
She rushed towards the spot and found a secret doorway opening behind the mantle. She gave a little giggle. “Oh, Keith, you already know more about my castle than I do?”
“Allura, could you come here?” came the voice again.
Allura peered into the secret room and saw a stairway. She quickly dashed up the stairs and came to a tiny room with a balcony with a strange, wooden wheel in the middle of it. Taking a step back, Allura glanced around the room, becoming uneasy.
“Keith? Are you here? Keith?”
“Oh, I’m afraid the handsome young prince is being detained,” cackled a voice from the shadows as Allura whirled to see a woman stepping out into the light.
“Where is he? What have you done to him?” shouted Allura.
“Oh, he’s not the one you should be worried about,” the woman uttered threateningly.
Allura let out a gasp. “You’re Haggar!”
“And behind you is a spinning wheel,” shouted Haggar as she pushed Allura.
Allura fell back and tried to grab a hold of the spinning wheel to right herself, pricking her finger in the process.
Haggar laughed. “Alfor thought he could fool us! And now I shall make sure your beloved will never wake you, so you shall sleep for ten thousand years!”
“No! Keith!” muttered Allura as she lost consciousness.
Meanwhile, the handsome young prince had found the cottage and had burst his way inside.
“Roselle! Allura! Is anybody here?” When no answer came, he hurriedly checked all the rooms. When he was absolutely sure that they had already left, Keith proceeded towards the front, and stopped. There was a tall figure standing in the doorway.
“Oh, hello, Prince Keith, I assume?” intoned the voice, dryly.
“Who are you?”
“I am King Zarkon, and I have something you want.”
“You have Allura?” asked Keith fearfully. He knew that Zarkon had always wanted Altea. Was he really the one behind Haggar’s threats?
“More like, I have you.”
“What? Unnh . . .” Keith was hit from behind and it knocked him out.
“Quickly, his paladins will no doubt be close. Get him to Haggar’s house, she’ll know what to do.”
“And what of you, your majesty?” asked the Galra soldier.
“I shall wait till dawn before I tear down Alfor once and for all.”
With that, Zarkon walked out of the cottage, followed not long after by the Galra soldier, Keith’s unconscious body slumped over his shoulder. They split up from there, Zarkon heading west while the Galra soldier went north, only a few miles towards Haggar’s house. In their haste, they completely forgot one essential thing, Keith’s faithful steed. The hippogriff followed the Galra soldier until it came within sight of the house before turning and rushing back to the cottage. By the time it arrived, Shiro, Matt, and Lance had arrived at the cottage and were looking for Keith, shouting his name. It was Lance who noticed the hippogriff and pointed it out to the others.
“Oh no,” muttered Shiro as they rushed towards him. “Hey buddy, can you show us where your rider is?” The hippogriff nodded and indicated the direction it had come from. “Come on, Keith’s in trouble!” said Shiro as he climbed onto his hippogriff.
The three raced after Keith’s hippogriff as it led them towards Haggar’s house. By that time, Haggar was returning to her house from putting Allura to sleep, and Alfor’s paladins had just found Allura, slumped over the spinning wheel as if dead. They were in a panic; they had no idea what to do, and since Allura had not told them about Keith, they didn’t know that they could have broken the curse that very night.
When Keith came to, he found himself chained up in a dungeon. The cackling laugh of a witch brought his attention to the figure on the other side of the bars.
“Perfect, so perfect. Princess Allura has touched the spinning wheel, and now I have you here to stay until your death.”
“No! Why are you doing this?”
“Why else? Come now, you were clearly smart enough to figure out who Allura was, and where she lived at the same time as us. Think about it.”
“So, you are working for Zarkon.”
“But of course – I am, after all, his wife.” Keith’s eyes widened at the revelation. “Yes, that’s right, the best kept secret on the whole continent. I am Zarkon’s wife. So, of course I’d work for him. But I must admit, this worked out rather well for us. Your concern for her caused you to make foolish decisions, and now you won’t be able to save her.” Keith grunted as he strained against the chains. “Don’t even bother, your majesty, those chains won’t even break for a Galra soldier, and the only key is with me. You can fight all you want, but you’re here to rot.”
Haggar shot him a cruel grin before walking away with the key in full view. Keith struggled against the chains a bit more until he stopped and panted. But hope and determination were still in his eyes.
“If I know my brother, he’s probably on his way now with Matt and Lance. Then the joke will be on you, witch,” he muttered.
Just as he thought, Shiro, Matt, and Lance were on their way, only a few minutes away, in fact. They were watching the house from behind the trees, not knowing that Keith’s cell was practically beneath their feet.
“What should we do, Shiro?” asked Lance.
The paladins had hardly ever used anything but the princes’ names since coming into service, the group having become fast friends, even though Lance and Keith butted heads from time to time – which often resulted in Matt siding with Keith on just about everything, despite being Shiro’s primary paladin.
“I count six guards. There may be more, and that’s not including the witch.”
“So, how do we get past all of that?”
“There’s already two to one, and we’re humans,” pointed out Matt.
Shiro let out a huff before turning to Lance. “Lance, how’s your aim?”
“Uh, pretty good. Why… oh. Oh yes, I like this.” Lance grinned as he pulled out his longbow and arrows.
“That’s what I thought. Matt, you’re going to have to cover me.”
“Right,” replied Matt as he pulled out his crossbow.
“I’m going to see how many I can lure out here. But if you think you can take a shot, take it. We need to take down as many of these guards as possible.”
“Right,” chorused the two paladins.
Shiro crept towards the house, followed by Matt, while Lance took up his position behind a log and readied his bow. Matt paused behind the tree closest to the house and watched as Shiro continued on. He managed to lure a few guards towards Matt, who took them all down with a shot at each. It still left at least three more, but Lance found a few opportunities to take a shot, and took them. Seven guards were down, but they still had one witch and who knows how many more in the house itself.
“Of all the places for a witch to live, why this old house? Why not some creepy castle or something?” asked Lance when he joined Matt and Shiro at the front door.
“Well, it’s close to Alfor’s castle, and it’s far enough out of the way that, like Princess Allura’s cottage, not many people would have noticed it,” replied Shiro. “Besides, I thought you didn’t like creepy castles.”
“Heh heh, good point,” stated Lance. Matt shot him a mischievous grin as Shiro knocked on the door. “Shiro! Why’d you knock?”
“Just be ready.”
Matt and Lance raised their bows, but when no answer came, Matt helped Shiro break down the door. They walked in a few steps before ducking to the side. Nothing seemed to stop them; there was no sign of any other guards or the witch, but they proceeded with caution. They found the dungeons rather quickly, and sighted Keith through the barred opening in a locked door.
“Shiro!” exclaimed Keith as he pulled on his chains to get closer to the door. “The witch has the key…” Cackling interrupted him. Matt and Lance raised their bows as the witch descended the stairs.
“Did you honestly think it would be that easy?”
“No, I didn’t, that’s why I knocked,” replied Shiro. Haggar glanced at him questioningly. Lance and Matt did as well.
“Uh, Shiro, are you alright?” asked Lance.
“Don’t take your eyes off her!” shouted Keith. The two quickly swiveled their heads and kept their eyes on Haggar.
“What’s your game, Prince Shiro?” asked Haggar creepily.
“If I told you, it wouldn’t be much of a game, now, would it?” replied Shiro.
“Uh, Shiro, you’re kind of creeping me out right about now,” remarked Lance. But Matt saw a chance, and took it. His arrow whizzed by the witch. “Matt, why’d you do that?” exclaimed Lance as the witch rushed back up the stairs.
“Keep with her, don’t let her out of your sights!” ordered Shiro.
Matt and Lance rushed up after the witch while Shiro rushed towards the arrow, from which the keys dangled.
“That was a great shot,” remarked Keith with a grin as Shiro unlocked the door and his chains.
“Yes, but I don’t think Matt will be as lucky next time. Come on! We need to take care of this witch.”
“I need to get to Allura; that witch got her to prick her finger on a spinning wheel!”
“What? Then all the more reason to take her down faster. Come on!”
The two raced up the stairs where they found Lance and Matt exchanging fire with Haggar. They both would shoot an arrow before needing to duck when Haggar shot bolts of purple lightning at them.
“If they can keep her occupied long enough, we can come from the back,” said Keith.
Shiro blinked in surprise for a second before nodding in agreement. The two grabbed swords and snuck around behind Haggar. But she saw them and shot a few bolts their way, causing them to duck. Matt and Lance took the opportunity to shoot at her, their arrows piercing her skin. She cried out, giving Shiro and Keith the opportunity to finish the job.
“Alright, everyone, back to the castle!” shouted Shiro before rushing out the door, Keith on his tail.
Matt and Lance looked at each other and shrugged before quickly following. They mounted their hippogriffs and rode off towards the castle. It was practically twilight when they reached the stables. They made a dash for it, bursting into the throne room where Grigan, Blaytz, and Trigel were gently breaking the news to Alfor about Allura.
“Where’s Allura?” asked Keith as the group rushed up to Alfor, practically out of breath.
“Uh, what?” asked Blaytz.
“This is Allura’s betrothed, the Prince Keith,” stated Alfor, his voice dripping with sorrow.
“She’s, she’s in her, her room,” muttered Trigel as tears streamed down her face.
“Where were you?” asked Katie.
“Well, long story short, we just saved Keith and defeated Haggar. All in a day’s work,” replied Lance, looking quite pleased with the accomplishment.
“Well, that’s a bit of good news; thank you for your service,” said Alfor.
“Uh, speaking of Keith, where did he go?” asked Hunk, noticing the absence of the prince. Everyone glanced around; Keith was nowhere to be found.
“Ugh, what is it with him and going off by himself?” complained Lance as the group set off in search of him.
Keith hadn’t waited around to listen to anything else; he pretty much knew where the princess’ room was supposed to be. One of the manservants had kept going on and on about it, so Keith practically knew his way there and took off for it. He soon found the room, and Allura, who looked like she was sleeping peacefully on her bed. He sat down on the bed and pulled a lock of her hair from her face as he slowed down his breath to match hers. He bent over and kissed her gently on the lips. He pulled back, just in time to see her eyes flutter open, as she beamed up at him.
Zarkon walked into the throne room with a purpose, and came off as rather rude as he pushed a couple of people out of his way to get to the throne room.
“Alfor! We need to talk!” he shouted as he burst into the room.
“That we do,” said Alfor as he approached.
“About your daughter in particular…” Zarkon paused as a young couple entered the throne room from a side door, the girl’s arm looped through the boy’s. Zarkon’s eyes widened when he recognized the young prince from the night before.
“Father? Are we interrupting anything?” asked Allura
“Oh, no, not as far as I know; King Zarkon said he wanted to talk to me about you,” replied Alfor as he rose to plant a kiss on her cheek. “Though, I probably should talk to him about princes, considering that this young man has swooped in and practically stolen my daughter from under my nose. And I haven’t even had her back for a day!” Keith grinned before bursting into a chuckle. Alfor turned back to Zarkon. “I’m sorry, Zarkon, as you were saying?”
“Um, perhaps… perhaps your daughter might like to meet my son, Lotor? As an alternative to this prince.”
“Oh, I don’t know, I think my daughter has come to like Prince Keith quite well. And I’ll admit, he’s come to grow on me, as well. Kind of reminds me of myself when I was his age.”
Keith blinked. “Really?”
Alfor grinned. “We’ll talk later. How about you two go enjoy the gardens? I’ll join you once I’ve finished speaking with King Zarkon, and tell you both about my younger days. Why don’t you go with them, Coran. Get them started with the tales, perhaps?”
“Ah, yes, those were the days,” replied Coran. “We’ll be in the gazebo!” he shouted as he ushered Keith and Allura out.
“Right!” Alfor turned to Zarkon. “Anything else you would like to add, Zarkon?”
“Uh, no, thank you for your time.” Zarkon beat a hasty retreat.
Alfor chuckled before heading out of the throne room to join his daughter and his future son-in-law. But before he did so, he stopped to look at them sitting together and chuckling at Coran’s stories, so thoroughly in love, despite knowing each other for only one day. They would come to know more about each other as the days went on, but there was something about them, something that, just as the curse knew, suggested they were meant to be together.
(All characters are from the TV series Voltron: Legendary Defender)
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