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By Robin Fennelly

Word Count: 307

Rated: G

Summary: A poem about spiritual remaking

Breathe deeply into the silence
The sound of your breath the only
Resonance of echo that mirrors
Back to you your place of surrender.

Allow the hollow bone of emptiness
To offer up its vessel as space of
Wisdom’s downpour.

Breathe deeply into the darkness
You are never alone and have
But to call out for the veils
To lift and ancestor will
Heed the tender call.

Soften your eyes as you seek
Shape in the formless and the
Gift of vision will unfold
As gossamer wings of light
Flutter in ascending.

Attend to your hearing as the
Whispers of Soul’s yearning
Find the key to unlock
The mysteries of your being.

Feel the gentle kiss of a long
Gone loved one brush against
Cheek or lips receptive to the
Tenderness held in death’s embrace.

The visions flow and move like
Spectres of light bodied spirits
That seek the memory of physical
Flesh and bone.

The visions seek out those who
Would not fear their pointed
Truths and revelations honed
By time’s eternal hand.

The visions come when all is

The Visions come when mind is
Distracted and heart is pounding wildly.

The visions come to refine and
Clarify a hidden need.

The visions come unrelentless in
The compelling need to tell their stories.

The visions come when you finally
Surrender to letting loose the
Reins of willful control.

The only thing asked in return is that you
Simply open to the power of their gifts.

Open your hearts to the space of awakening
Open your minds to the breath of inspiration
Open yourself to death’s transformative hand
Knowing that physical death is only one form
Of this vision’s mastery.

Open yourself to a greater death that holds the
Vision Of your spiritual re-making as you willingly
Offer what needs final release to its watery gates.

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