True Love Never Fails – Chapter 10

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So, what did you two find out?” asked Elijah.

Well, some of the soldiers are worried about Jezebel’s ways. She had gotten one of their commanding officers to find a man who heard Naboth speaking against Ahab, the King, and our God,” replied Pancratius.

Funny that she should use that charge, considering she’s a worshiper of Baal,” remarked Dominic thoughtfully.

That’s what I thought, but I also think it could be a smoke screen. Once she’s gotten herself in a good position of authority, then she’ll come out full force with tributes to Baal. Only a few soldiers could tell me about the ceremonies, and they said that only the highest positions and a few loyal subjects are allowed in. There are some soldiers who don’t even know that Jezebel worships Baal,” continued Pancratius.

That’s a possibility. Symphorian, what did you learn?” asked Dominic.

Pretty much along those same lines, though I had to figure that out for myself; they apparently could only give me hints as to what was going on. Not all of them are on her side, it’s just that they are scared of her because of what happened to Naboth. He was, in fact, one of the permanent advisers the King chose for the governors of Julhem. He had asked for some time off to tend to his vineyard, but once Ahab married Jezebel, he began preparing to come back to his advising job. According to one adviser, Naboth’s papers were on their way back when he was placed on trial and executed. They arrived only a few hours after his death,” Symphorian said sadly.

How long was it from the time he sent the papers to the King till they arrived?” asked Elijah.

They said eleven days,” replied Symphorian.

That doesn’t make sense; eight days is the longest time frame for a round trip between here and Rosirim,” remarked Father Simon.

Then she must have known about it and made sure the papers were delayed long enough to put Naboth on trial and have him executed. The King did choose Naboth personally, so he would have had the power to strip Ahab of his rank and send her back to wherever she came from. If Pancratius’ hunch is correct, she is planning on rising in rank and Naboth would have ruined her chance. But from what we’ve heard from some of the locals, there was another reason,” said Dominic. He glanced at Elijah.

I’ll let you and Father Simon take this,” he replied to Dominic’s look, then turned to thinking.

Alright, well, from what we’ve heard, Ahab has always wanted Naboth’s vineyard, even more so now that he took time off to take care of it. A guard was kind enough to take us on a tour through the vineyard. I must say that it is very lovely indeed,” said Dominic.

And the wine was very good,” added Father Simon.

You shall have to take his word for it; I didn’t have any,” grinned Dominic. “Anyway, the vineyard is right outside the castle, Ahab can see it from his window. Not only that, but something is being built where Naboth’s house used to stand, and it doesn’t look like a house. The guard told us that something special was being built for Jezebel and that once it’s done, that area will be off-limits for anyone without a signed pass from Ahab or Jezebel. The guard didn’t go into what was being made, I don’t think he knew, but I think it’s a temple to Baal. So, here’s what I figure. First of all, Ahab and Jezebel both wanted Naboth’s property, could have been for different reasons, but they both wanted it and now they have it. And secondly, Jezebel needed Naboth out of the way if she was to get anywhere up high to infiltrate and undermine our country. Think that’s enough for the King, Professor?” Dominic turned to Elijah.

Yes, but we still need some kind of proof. All we’ve gotten are hints, no real proof. Pancratius, I want you to take Symphorian and find that witness your soldier friend mentioned; he may be able to give us something solid. Dominic and Father Simon, I want you two to stay here and have everything packed and ready to leave by the time the three of us return,” said Elijah.

May I ask what you are doing, Professor?” asked Symphorian.

Some scolding that is long overdue,” smiled Elijah.

Oh, in other words, we should all be ready to run for our lives,” said Father Simon.

Elijah chuckled, “Pretty much.”

What time will we be running for our lives so that Pancratius and I get back here in time?” asked Symphorian.

Governor Ahab takes his walk through the vineyard sometime after lunch. Does that give you two enough time to talk to the witness?” asked Elijah.

It will be cutting it close, but I think we can manage. Maybe Dominic and Father Simon could have lunch waiting for us, as well, so we can have some extra time,” said Pancratius.

Sure, no problem,” said Father Simon while Dominic nodded.

Well, that’s settled. Let’s get some sleep now; we’re going to need it for tomorrow,” said Elijah, shooing Pancratius and Symphorian out of the room.

Alright then, we’ll see you in the morning,” Symphorian quickly said before disappearing out the door.

Good night, fellows.” Pancratius quickly followed.

A few minutes later, the lights were out, and a lone figure slithered away into the night.

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