The Hardy Boys: The Tower Treasure – Ch 15

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The group converged on the Hardy residence as soon as school was out. Everyone wanted to know the latest news in the search for Fenton Hardy. Frank and Joe took their friends to their room and gave them the entire tale. Their friends stared at them in shock until they finished their story. 

“Seriously? They didn’t recognise you?” blurted Pete. 

Chet burst out laughing. “Oh boy, wait until the Masons hear about this!” 

“It might be best that they don’t find out,” said Slim. 

“You guys were really lucky,” said Biff. 

Joe nodded vigorously as he let out a huff. “Boy, don’t we know it.” 

“And finding both your dad’s wallet and his car was a real break-through!” said Jerry. 

“You’re sure nothing’s happened to him?” asked Jack, seemingly more worried than the others about Mr. Hardy’s disappearance. Frank and Joe figured it made sense though since Jack’s mom died some years before, just like Nancy, and was really close to his dad. 

“So far,” said Frank. “Snattman’s sure to keep him alive until Sunday, that’s for sure.” 

“But, your dad wrote that note saying he was going to hand it over to the police?” asked Phil. 

“Yeah,” said Tony, “the three of you never leave off a case until you’ve caught the bad guys.” 

Joe explained. “We thought the same, until Mom informed us that those contents were just a ruse in case one of his enemies got the note before Mom did. It was just a way to get the message across to Mom, there was really no way he would give up on this case, especially after getting that big of a clue.” 

“And getting closer to catching these guys,” Frank continued. Frank nodded at Joe. “Besides, we would have done the same ourselves. I guess we were still reeling from our close encounter at the Pollitt place that we didn’t even think about it.” Joe nodded, that’s definitely why he didn’t think of it. 

“Alright then, so this thing is almost finished!” cheered Slim. 

Chet then sidled over to Frank. “So, um, when are you going to create your own little code?” 

Frank narrowed his eyes, catching the hint. “Well, some time in the future, Joe and I are going to have a talk about it.” He put extra emphasis when he said Joe. 

Chet waggled his eyebrows. “Uh-huh.” 

“Chet!” The others chuckled. “Nancy might come up with her own code,” continued Frank. 

“With her friends?” asked Phil a little too hopefully. 

Frank blinked. “Uh . . .” 

“Come on man, Nancy’s gotta know some cute girls,” said Tony. 

“Hey, let’s worry about that after we’ve solved this mystery?” said Joe. 

“I know, man,” said Chet, “but you can’t think straight if you’re too worried either.” 

The boys glanced at each of their friends and smiled. Frank chuckled. “You’re right Chet. Thanks, you guys.” 

Joe clapped Chet on the back. “Yeah, thanks man, didn’t seem like it at first.”
Biff shrugged. “Of course not, we talked about it on the way over here.”

“And after all you’ve done for us, it’s the least we could do,” said Tony. 

Tears filled Joe’s eyes. “You guys are the greatest friends.” 

Jerry shrugged. “We do have your prime example to look up to.” 

Frank snorted. “We’re not the best.” 

“Well, you’re the best in town,” said Pete.

Slim nodded. “Can’t argue with that.” 

Joe grinned. “Guess not.” 

“So, is there anything else we can help you with?” asked Phil. 

Frank nodded. “There are a few more things.” He glanced at Tony. “Could you take us out on the Napoli tomorrow?” 

Tony pulled out his phone and checked his calendar. He nodded as he pocketed it. “Yup, I’m all clear tomorrow. Why do you need it?” 

Joe pointed at Biff and then himself. “Biff and I found a secret passage out to the sea . . .” 

Chet gasped. “And you’re going to look for the exit point!” 

“Are you planning on getting the Coast Guard into this?” asked Jerry. 

“It would make sense,” said Biff. “Have all your bases covered.” 

Joe nodded. “Exactly.” 

“It would be best, besides, Chief Collig found that boat we saw.” 

Biff’s eyes widened. “He did?” 

Frank nodded. “It’s scheduled to leave on Monday, the same day that the Marco Polo leaves.” 

“Whoa,” chorused the guys. 

“We really are cutting this close,” said Biff. 

Joe nodded. “That we are. A little too close, but, this is all we’ve got to work on.” 

“So . . .” began Chet, “if you two are the Masons, who are going to be you?” 

Frank shook his head. “We’ll be the only ones going. We’ll have a message with us for our dad, but, I’m betting they might have figured out by now who we are.” 

“What makes you say that?” asked Jerry. 

“Have any of you been approached by some guys, asking about us?” asked Joe. 

The group glanced at each other questioningly before looking back at the Hardys and shaking their heads no. Then Pete gasped and snapped his fingers. “No, I wasn’t but there were a couple of guys who were talking with Mr. Stevenson the other day after school. And I think they came back today!” 

Joe gritted his teeth. “They might get pictures of us this time for sure.” 

Frank nodded. “Mr. Stevenson called my mom about that before you guys showed up. Can you remember what they looked like?” 

Pete thought for a moment. “Well, one of those guys was pretty hard to forget. Had a head full of red hair. As a matter of fact, when I was passing by, I almost thought it was the Masons he was talking to, and I decided to get a closer look. They were apparently just finishing up their conversation, so I have no clue what they were talking about at first, but I do know they were finishing up about the theater. Apparently both the red-headed guy and Mr. Stevenson had a fondness for it.” 

Joe looked at Frank. “Huh, who knew.” 

Frank shrugged and turned back to Pete. “What else?” 

Pete thought another moment. “Well, the other guy had brown hair and looked like he could be a sailor, though he was kind of on the scrawny side. The red-headed fellow had a mustache and looked pretty muscular. The sailor guy looked like he wanted to be anywhere else but there, and the redhead looked like he could have belonged.” 

Frank nodded. “Sounds like Red Jackley and Klein alright.” 

“Good thing the chief is checking into his records,” said Joe. 

There was a moment of silence. Chet cleared his throat. “Um, well, is there anything else?” 

Frank and Joe thought a moment before both shaking their heads. “I think that covers it,” said Frank. 

“I can’t think of anything else,” said Joe. 

“Well I can,” said Tony. Everyone looked at him. “What time do you want to head out in the Napoli, and is anyone else coming with us? I can only fit six.” The boys quickly made their plans. Biff was definitely going to go with them, as was Phil and Chet. Jack, Jerry, Slim, and Pete would come back to the house for the daily watch of the Pollitt place. They were to meet up at the Hardy house at eight and separate from there. 

At six o’clock the next morning, Frank found himself woken up by the phone ringing. When the third ring came and his mother hadn’t answered it, Frank jumped out of bed and ran to the phone. He quickly picked up the receiver. “Hello?” 

“Hi Frank, did I wake you?” came Chief Collig’s voice on the line. 

Frank stifled a yawn. “Oh, no, we were just waking up.” 

“Alright, well, I thought your mom would have answered it.” 

“So did I, to be honest,” said Frank. “But, she and Aunt Trudy might have gone out to do some grocery shopping.” 

“You’re not sure?” 

“Well, no, I just got up and had to answer the phone.” 

Collig let out a sound that sounded like a mix of a chuckle and a sigh. “Oh, alright. Well, it’s fine, I needed to talk to you anyhow.” 

“What’s up?” 

“Your guy Klein? I think he’s Klein Connors, a man wanted in several counties in New York. Sending the information right now. And as soon as we get off, I’m calling the Coast Guard and the State Police. But first, I need you to see if this Klein is your guy.” 

“Right, uh, hang on a second.” Frank put Collig on hold and dashed to Fenton’s study, passing Joe on the way. 

“What’s up? Who’s calling this early in the morning?” asked Joe as he followed his brother into the study. 

“The chief is sending over some information on a guy who’s name is Klein and wants us to make sure it’s the same guy we saw at the Pollitt place,” said Frank as he began pulling papers off the fax machine. Joe’s eyes widened and walked over to his brother. They looked through the papers until they found a picture. 

“Oh man, that’s him all right,” said Joe. 

Frank nodded. “Definitely, looks like the chief pinned him on the first try.” He dashed out to the hall, followed closely by Joe, and picked up the phone again. “Hey Chief, are you still there?” 

“Still here Frank.” 

“That’s him.” 

“Are you sure?” 

“Yes,” the brothers chorused. 

“Oh hi Joe. Perfect, and since we  already know Jackley, Ali Singh, and Snattman are in on this, it’s time to call in the calvary and the navy.” 

Joe snorted. “That’s your nickname for the State Police and the Coast Guard?” 

“Lot faster than saying Coast Guard and State Police all the time,” said Collig with a chuckle. “I’ll call back around five o’clock to set up a meeting to plan for Sunday night.” 

“Great,” said Frank, “we’re heading out to search for the gang’s entrance from the sea.” 

“Perfect. Talk to you then.” 

“Sounds good, Chief. Bye!” the boys chorused. Frank hung up the phone, and the two dashed to their room and got dressed. They went off in search of their mother, and found a note. It confirmed Frank’s theory that she and their aunt had gone grocery shopping, they had left early so the boys could have lunch while they were out. Frank and Joe got themselves some cereal and some eggs while they waited for their family to get back and their friends to arrive. 

Laura and Trudy got back around seven, and the boys helped them pick up the groceries and fix their picnic lunch. At eight o’clock sharp, their friends had arrived. After making sure Jack, Jerry, Slim, and Pete were situated, they were off towards the docks. The boys were eager and determined to find that outlet, but were hoping and praying that none of the gang would catch them. 

As soon as they reached the boathouse where the Napoli was docked, Biff and Phil went about helping Tony get the boat set up. Chet and the Hardys watched intently, the Hardys in particular. If they could, they were going to try and talk their parents, their aunt, or even their grandparents into getting them a boat for their birthdays. It would be so nice to have one. Besides, Grandma Dottie kept saying it was in their blood since she used to boat the entirety of Long Island as did their mother. 

“Hey Frank, grab the gas can, will ya?” said Tony. Frank grabbed the can and made sure it was full while Joe and Chet untied the Napoli before all three jumped in. They were off! Phil had the map and got Tony to the cliff on which the Pollitt place sat. Tony cut off the engine while Phil pulled out oars and gave one to Biff. They rowed closer towards the cliff in silence while the Hardys and Chet kept an eye out for any boats nearby. 

“So far, so good,” whispered Joe. 

“Let’s hope our luck holds up and we can find that entrance,” whispered Frank. The others nodded. 

“Maybe Joe oughta switch with Phil since we were the ones who found it.” 

Tony nodded. “Besides, Phil’s the best with a map, he can mark it.” Phil grinned. 

“Good idea,” said Frank. Joe switched with Phil, leaving the others as lookouts. 

After a few minutes of hushed rowing, Joe whispered, “Look! Think that’s it, Biff?” 

Biff squinted at it. “Looks like it. Let’s get closer.” Joe nodded and they rowed the boat closer while the others watched with eager anticipation. 

“There, I think I see it! Looks like an opening!” said Phil. 

“I think that’s it!” said Joe. 

“Definitely looks like it,” said Biff. 

“Let’s bank and make sure,” said Frank. Biff and Joe rowed the boat to the shore, and Tony jumped out to pull it a little bit further up the bank. They others climbed out and followed him towards the spot they saw. 

“It definitely looks like an opening,” said Chet. 

“Keep it down, we don’t know if anyone’s around,” whispered Frank. 

“Right, sorry.” Chet shot him a sheepish grin. 

“You’re fine, just be careful.” He turned to Biff and Joe. “Is this it?” 

“I’m thinking it is,” said Biff. 

“I’m going in for a quick look,” said Joe. 

Frank grabbed his arm.“But we don’t know if there’s anyone in there!”  he hissed. 

Joe shot him a mischievous grin. “Only one way to find out. Don’t worry, big brother, I’ll be careful. Biff, you coming?” 

“Someone’s got to keep an eye on you,” quipped Biff. 

Tony, Phil, and Chet snickered while Joe rolled his eyes and went in, followed by Biff. They were in there for what seemed like mere moments before coming right back out. 

“OK, Huck, let’s go,” blurted Joe. 

“What?” asked Chet. 

“I think Injun Joe’s behind us,” hissed Joe as he and Biff began walking towards the boat. Frank’s eyes widened and ushered the others after them. 

“What the . . .” 

“Remember Tom Sawyer? There is someone in there!” hissed Frank. 

“Then you and Joe need to get in the boat in case you need to hide!” whispered Tony. Frank nodded and dashed towards the boat. He and Joe had just got in when a shout was heard. 

“Hey! What are you boys doing here?” Biff, Tony, Chet, and Phil turned slowly towards the owner of the voice while Frank and Joe hit the deck.  The four saw a man with a gun aimed at them and raised their hands. 

“We’re sorry sir, we thought this beach was deserted!” said Tony. 

“We were just exploring!” whined Chet. “Please don’t shoot us!” 

The guy glanced over each of them and the boat before lowering his gun. “Alright then, get on out of here! This is your only warning! If you come back here again, it won’t end very prettily for you!” 

“Yes sir!” chorused the boys and jumped into the boat. Biff stayed out to push the boat back out to sea before getting in himself. Tony revved up the engine and they were off. They didn’t give the Hardys the all clear until they were safely back out at sea, and out of sight of the gunman. 

“Whoo, that was close!” said Joe. 

“Good thinking referencing Tom Sawyer,” said Frank. 

Joe grinned. “Thanks.” 

“But, did he see us?” 

Chet scoffed. “You two were hidden so well I didn’t see you and almost stepped on you!” They laughed. 

“Well, we’ve found the entrance. Phil, got it marked?” 

Phil shook his head. “Kinda hard to in a moving boat!” 

Frank sighed and chuckled. “Tony, can you stop the boat long enough so Phil can mark the map?” 

Tony chuckled. “Sure.” He stopped the boat and Phil pulled out the map. Biff took off his socks, shoes, and shirt. 

“Uh, Biff?” said Joe, right as his friend dived off the boat. 

He came up and grinned at the others. “What? After all of this hard work, I think we deserve a little fun.” 

“I agree!” said Tony, quickly taking off his own socks, shoes, and shirt and diving in. Chet soon joined them with a whoop and a cannonball. Phil quickly returned the map to its spot in the hold before joining them as well. 

“Frank, Joe, come on! The water’s nice!” said Biff. 

Joe glanced at Frank. Frank smiled and shrugged. “Yeah, why not.” They joined their friends and enjoyed a little bit of relaxation. After a few minutes, Frank called it quits, they had to get home in time for Collig’s phone call. They let themselves dry off for a few minutes before putting their shirts, socks, and shoes back on. As they raced back to the boathouse, Frank and Joe glanced back at the area the Pollitt house was at. 

“Hang on Dad, we’re coming.”


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