What Glorious Ineptitude
BY BETH FLYNN What glorious ineptitude, the human soul. Its never-ending mission for the key to feel whole.
Veil of Sorrow
She came from an affluent and strict family, whom Father Flaherty was very close to. Carol Ann Murphy was, by all accounts…
Outside McDonald’s: Sweeper, Man Your Broom
And so, he sweeps, against the blustery winds, that blow his efforts back into the cold…
Here We Go A-Brambling: A Lord of the Rings Story
Placing her hands upon her hips, Primula planted herself in the entrance and glared down at him. For his part, Frodo stared up…
A Canceled Trip
I giggled as I floated outside of the space station. I still couldn’t believe that I had been chosen…
Slip in Time – Chapter 16
BY CHRIS S. (ALIAS WEREWOLFKING350) It wasn’t often you found someone bleeding on the train, so Harry could understand the concern.
Light & Dark of Halloween
There are two forces at work when the sun sets on Halloween, one dark, the other light. They are often at war with each other…
The Best Robe: A Star Trek Story – Chapter 16
“You are a fool if you think you can escape me here, Albix!” he cried furiously as he straightened up again, dagger raised…
A Marriage of Necessity: A Game of Thrones Story Chapter 1
BY CAIT SMITH “Please excuse her, Lord Tyrion, she’s not from here, but I trust her, even though she tells me not to.”
Halloween Night
On Halloween night, when the old folk take fright and the children are snug in their beds. The Faerie and Goblins all take…
Gilligan’s Island of Castaway Verse
The discipline of reading at least one poem each day. The meter started getting rough aboard. A scheduled poetic three-minute tour…
Lord of the Rings Drabbles
Hurt. A Small Word… “Does it still hurt, Frodo?” Pip swaddled him in blankets. Hurt. A small word – more fitted to…
Timeless Heroism: A Christian Reflection on Doctor Who
BY SARAH PIERZCHALA At the center of this vast, pulsating tapestry is the character of the Doctor; enigmatic at times but ultimately familiarly human.
Lovescape: Meditatations on the Saints of October
BY AVELLINA BALESTRI St. Teresa of Avila puts me in touch with Christ through her ecstatic longing for union with a lover.
Learning the Ropes
Ensign Kirk had just finished the night shift. He opened his cabin’s door to the sound of the bell and was immediately engulfed in…
The Hunter’s Chase
BY RACHEL SCHMIDT Silver slivers the moonlight glimmers down through barren branches lighting there upon the path leading me deeper.
Annunciation Day: A Robin Hood Excerpt
In a world where injustice was accepted without resistance, he dared to turn the tables on it, to strike at its pride – where it hurt…
An Excerpt Taken from the Journal of Survivor T446, Tham Somners
BY A A MOSS ‘It has finally arrived! After all of the years of planning, the millions of hours of work, preparation, deadlines, time running out…’