Our Lady of Walsingham
O how beautiful is Our Lady Queen! Queen of our hearts and hopes, and of the May, Sweet Empress over forest, down, and…
Rocks Around the Sun
Men are from Mars. Women are from Venus. That’s why they have to be separated by Earth.
Creating Reality: A Christian Perspective
BY AVELLINA BALESTRI The true part of this sentiment is that we are creatures of free will, and our decisions and outlook can mold the world around us.
Beyond All Control
The horizon flamed as Vulcan’s star, Eridani 40, gradually sank below the vast rim of the desert world. Unnoticed by anyone…
Slip in Time – Chapter 15
BY CHRIS S. (ALIAS WEREWOLFKING350) In the middle of the night, he awakened in a cold sweat…
The Best Robe: A Star Trek Story – Chapter 15
Kirk sat on the edge of his bed, drinking a cup of coffee. He rubbed his eyes with one hand. The intercom on his wall chirped…
Intergalactic Haikus
By the Staff of Fellowship & Fairydust; Jamison Noenickx, Hannah Skipper, Beth Flynn, and Amanda Pizzolatto.
Circular Horizon – Epilogue
BY BOKERAH BRUMLEY “God blessed me with a second chance at life and love. God has gone with me wherever I go, and He blessed me with you.”
The Gallifrey Child
It had been so long since he had been back there. And yet, Pete’s World was precisely as he had remembered it. He stood on…
Last Breath: A Lord of the Rings Story
The Wind Lord himself brought the news to Imladris. Not that it was more than confirmation to me. Vilya had glowed faintly for a moment…
A Promise in the Name of the Saints
A man could swim across the Hellespont, or walk poor Keats’ dark forest thoughtlessly. Drink deeply from the Castalian font…
Kids in Prison – Hua Soh: Role of Big Brother
“Zise must hate school,” thought Hua, “I hate school too. I hated it on Earth. I hate it now.” But even on this tropical prison planet…
Ashura: Day of Destiny
BY AVELLINA BALESTRI There is Hussain, displaying a father’s desperation and begging for water when he sees his infant son is likely to die too.
When Metals Collide
BY MIKE FLYNN Did you know that science tells us we have oxygen to thank for the fact that our cars and other metal items don’t fuse together on their own?
A Hubley Toy Fire Truck
A Boy’s happy Christmas in the long ago. Miss Dee found it in an old house she bought. Pot metal with the paint peeling away…
The Writer and The Reader
Long ago, when Alixandria was new and cultures young, the genies mingled freely among the races, and helped bring peace…
No Rest for the Wicked
“Spock, this way!” Captain Kirk yelled behind him as they ran through a deep thicket of bushes, trying to outrun the men…
Key Advice for Aspiring Writers
BY BETH FLYNN Storm Constantine was one of the first authors who inspired me to throw myself into writing fantasy.
A Little Child Dancing in Prison
But it’s not a prison; it’s a unit (Euphemisms make everything all better) The morning sun rising above the fog…